431-440 of 1056 results

The future age of AI
Insight 01 Feb 2019

We will be able to cease speculation on what is in or not in the Final Report of the Financial Services Royal Commission on Monday evening or after whatever time it takes to read and digest ...

Productivity Commission's report on superannuation - an odd mix of recommendations
Insight 01 Feb 2019

The Productivity Commission's report on superannuation has provided an odd mix of reccomendations ranging from uncontroversial to outright bizarre, Senior Regulatory Counsel Michael Mathieson writes. ...

ALRC's class action report - a 'canary in the coal-mine'?
Insight 30 Jan 2019

The Australian Law Reform Commission has released its much-anticipated final report on class actions and litigation funding which makes a broad range of recommendations intended to bring the modern class action landscape back into line with the regimes original objectives Partners Jenny Campbell and ...

Changes to the FSC Life Insurance Code of Practice
Insight 20 Dec 2018

Proposed changes to the FSC Life Insurance Code designed to improve standards in product design sales underwriting customer service complaints and claim handling are afoot and the deadline for comments is fast approaching ...

Comments invited on proposed retirement income product disclosure
Insight 20 Dec 2018

Treasury has released a consultation paper on a new proposed simple standardised product disclosure document as part of the Federal Governments framework for Comprehensive Income Products for Retirement ...

What's ahead for home loans in 2019
Insight 20 Dec 2018

Allens has written over the course of this year, the Royal Commission will bring and in fact already has brought monumental changes both in how banks are regulated and to the actual laws that apply ...

ASIC extends transition period for fees and costs disclosures, and delays consultation paper to January 2019
Insight 14 Dec 2018

ASIC has extended the transition periods for certain fees and costs disclosure obligations applicable to superannuation funds and managed investment schemes by a further year pending the release of its consultation paper on the regime ...

A new enforcement landscape for Australian corporations in 2019 and beyond
Insight 10 Dec 2018

The Royal Commission into Misconduct in the Banking Superannuation and Financial Services Industry Interim Report and a raft of announcements at the federal level over the past 12 months point clearly to a more robust enforcement environment for corporate Australia in 2019 and beyond Partner Paul ...

Class action amounts to multiple claims under insurance policy
Insight 03 Dec 2018

The decision in a recent Supreme Court of New South Wales case where indemnity was sought for costs incurred defending and settling a class action highlights a potential gap in coverage under civil liability insurance policies Partner Louise Jenkins Senior Associate Julia Clemente and Lawyer Calypso ...

Report: Class Action Risk 2018
Insight 26 Nov 2018

Class action risk continues to increase and is becoming more complex than ever before. Assessing this risk for your organisation is extraordinarily challenging and requires a broad-based perspective of the broader class actions landscape. ...

