441-450 of 1057 results

Report: Class Action Risk 2018
Insight 26 Nov 2018

Class action risk continues to increase and is becoming more complex than ever before. Assessing this risk for your organisation is extraordinarily challenging and requires a broad-based perspective of the broader class actions landscape. ...

Competing class actions - no 'one size fits all' solution
Insight 22 Nov 2018

The Full Federal Court has held that when the court is faced with multiple competing class actions in relation to the same issue it can choose one to proceed and stay the others In doing so it said that there is no one size fits all solution to the problem of competing class actions and that ...

New APRA prudential standard raises bar for information security obligations and incident notification requirements
Insight 15 Nov 2018

As companies and regulators across the world grapple with ever-increasing cyber security threats, Australia's financial services regulator, APRA, has released the final form of a new prudential standard, which imposes heigtened security obligations for APRA-regulated entities ...

The ins and out (goings) of responsible lending
Insight 13 Nov 2018

Very broadly speaking current legislation relating to responsible lending says that a person must not recommend or make an unsuitable loan to a consumer - an unsuitable loan being one that either does not meet the consumers requirements and objectives or imposes repayment obligations that they are ...

AFCA's powers and obligations - 'systemic issues'
Insight 13 Nov 2018

In his Interim Report, Commissioner Hayne rejected claims that misconduct in the financial services sector was the fault of 'a few bad apples' and did not raise 'broader or systemic concerns. This Insight considers what can and should be done about such systemic issues. ...

International Arbitration - Australian courts' power to grant interim freezing orders
Insight 02 Nov 2018

The WA Court of Appeal has taken an expansive view of the power that Australian courts have to grant interim orders in support of international arbitrations. ...

Slater & Gordon begins its superannuation class actions
Insight 11 Oct 2018

As predicted in an Insight in 2018, the Financial Services Royal Commission has proved to be a hotbed for class actions. ...

Efficiently, honestly and fairly - overarching and fundamental obligations?
Insight 11 Oct 2018

In his recent Interim Report into Misconduct in the Banking Superannuation and Financial Services Industry Commissioner Hayne makes a lot of the duties of an Australian financial services licensee and an Australian credit licensee to provide financial services or credit activities as the case may be ...

A development from the English Court of Appeal regarding legal professional privilege in internal investigations
Insight 02 Oct 2018

In a recent judgment the English Court of Appeal reversed a controversial High Court decision that had severely limited the application of legal professional privilege in internal investigations under English law The decision has consequences for Australian corporates conducting cross-border ...

Royal Commission: Round 3 - experiences with SME lending
Insight 02 Oct 2018

The third round of the Royal Commissions hearings concerned lending practices to small and medium enterprises SMEs The hearings considered a range of case studies ...

