481-490 of 2868 results

Failure to pay patent renewal fee? Advanta can take advantage of extension of time provision
Insight 30 Jun 2022

Advanta Seeds Pty Ltd (Advanta), a broadacre seed company that owns thousands of patents relating to agricultural chemicals, seeds and seed technologies, applied for review of a decision by the Commissioner of Patents refusing its application under s 223 Patents Act 1990 (Cth) (Patents Act) for an e ...

The global crypto-assets landscape

Webinar: Crypto-assets part two ...

Environment Protection Act fires the starting pistol for private actions
Insight 27 Jun 2022

The new Environment Protection Act 2017 (Vic) (the EP Act) brings a raft of changes, including introducing direct third-party enforcement rights. Eligible people will be able to bring actions against individuals and businesses they claim are in breach of the new Act from 1 July 2022. This Insight outlines the key things companies should know about the third-party enforcement rights regime. ...

Minimum fines of $10 million – why compliance with the Franchising Code is now more important than ever
Insight 27 Jun 2022

In April this year, highly anticipated increases to the financial penalties for contravening the Franchising Code (the Code) came into effect. As a result of these changes, it's essential that business review their franchise agreements to ensure they remain compliant with the Franchising Code. ...

'Rate my builder' – next step in NSW Government rating regime
Insight 24 Jun 2022

Marking a further step in the New South Wales Government's 'Construct NSW' building and construction industry reforms, the Independent Construction Industry Ratings Tool (iCIRT) – which assesses construction professionals against a series of criteria2 – has released the first 19 developers and builders to have a public rating. In this Insight, we explain iCIRT's potential impact, and what action construction professionals and businesses can be taking now. ...

The post-election anti-bribery landscape
Insight 24 Jun 2022

In this Insight, we consider how federal anti-bribery laws may evolve under the Albanese government, and comment on its possible use of sanctions. ...

Net-zero by 2050: big batteries are a critical part of the transition

Webinar: Net-zero by 2050: big batteries are a critical part of the transition ...

Competition and consumer law risks to be aware of in relation to ESG
Insight 22 Jun 2022

As businesses continue to focus on ESG it's important to be aware of potential competition and consumer law risks, including misleading environmental claims and anti-competitive industry collaboration. After watching this short Video, you will have a clear understanding of both of these issues and some of the practical steps you can take to prevent these risks. ...

Elevating ESG

Throughout significant periods of change, our banks remained resilient and a big part of our positive economic recovery. ...

