481-490 of 636 results

Raising professional standards of financial advisers
Insight 05 Feb 2016

Following on from the reviews conducted by the Parliamentary Joint Committee and the Financial System Inquiry the Government delivered on its promises by releasing an exposure draft of the Corporations Amendment Professional Standards of Financial Advisers Bill 2015 the Bill late last year for ...

Crowd-sourced equity funding
Insight 05 Feb 2016

The Government has finally begun the process of implementing its policy on crowd-sourced equity funding CSEF by introducing a Bill and releasing draft exposure regulations late last year which envisage the establishment of a CSEF regime in Australia The Bill has been referred to the Senate Economics ...

Guarantors owed a duty of care under the Code of Banking Practice
Insight 21 Jan 2016

A recent decision of the Victorian Court of Appeal has given a wide meaning to the Code of Banking Practice finding that the duty of care owed by a lender in assessing the borrowers ability to repay extends to guarantors Effectively the bank was responsible to guarantordirectors for funding their ...

New measures on resilience, collateral protection and client money
Insight 22 Dec 2015

The Government yesterday released for consultation draft legislation containing resilience and collateral protection measures Think payment systems netting and derivatives But also think superannuation trustees and life companies investing in centrally-cleared OTC derivatives - and restrictions on ...

Allens insights: Opportunities in infrastructure - 2015
Insight 16 Dec 2015

The World Bank has released its Benchmarking Public Procurement 2016 report which provides comparable data on regulatory environments that affect the ability of private companies to do business with governments in 77 economies Allens Partner Leighton OBrien and Linklaters Counsel Julia ...

New AMIT rules
Insight 15 Dec 2015

New legislation has been introduced into Federal Parliament that will replace the existing taxation regime for trusts which qualify as Attribution Managed Investment Trusts Partner Charles Armitage and Managing Associate Judith Taylor look at what is different from the original Exposure Draft ...

High Court decision on retention obligations provides some clarity to liquidators
Insight 14 Dec 2015

The High Court has ruled that a liquidator has no obligation to retain monies on account of tax until a notice of assessment has been issued The decision will provide much needed clarity for liquidators and other statutorily deemed trustees and agents Partners Charles Armitage and Christopher ...

The investment chapter of the Trans-Pacific Partnership
Insight 14 Dec 2015

The release of the text of the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement has renewed the debate about the ability of foreign investors to sue governments under investor-State dispute settlement mechanisms which are commonly part of international trade agreements or investment treaties between States ...

Withholding tax to capture exit profits
Insight 11 Dec 2015

Legislation introduced into Parliament will impose a 10 per cent non-final withholding tax on proceeds paid to foreign parties to acquire direct or indirect interests in Australian real property and mining rights from 1 July 2016 Partner Martin Fry and Lawyer David Lewis discuss the proposed law ...

The beginning of the end of the unit trust's monopoly? A look at common contractual funds
Insight 08 Dec 2015

The Board of Taxations report on tax arrangements applying to collective investment vehicles considers that offshore investors are dissuaded from investing in Australian funds because they do not understand unit trusts and that access to a broader range of collective investment vehicles would help ...

