481-490 of 606 results

Corporate culture and conduct risk
Insight 06 Oct 2015

Regulators particularly in the UK and Australia are increasingly interested in corporate culture in the financial services industry its impact on the integrity of the system and what the regulators are doing to try to entrench a corporate culture that works for the benefit of consumers and investors ...

Proposed industry funding model for ASIC
Insight 06 Oct 2015

Treasury has released a Consultation Paper seeking comments on a proposed industry funding model for ASIC Under the proposed model the costs of ASICs regulatory activities will be recovered directly from the companies and other entities that are regulated by ASIC - at a direct cost to industry of ...

Fact sheet: Crowd-sourced equity funding - can you access it?
Insight 06 Oct 2015

The new Turnbull Cabinet has made clear its intention to support innovation so that Australia can have a thriving economy The Treasury has already done some work in this area releasing a consultation paper on crowd-sourcing equity funding CSEF for startups and small business ...

PPS deregulation measures to take effect
Insight 29 Sep 2015

From 1 October 2015 short-term leases of serial numbered goods will no longer be deemed security interests under the PPSA Businesses should review their current PPS policies and where appropriate implement changes to processes as Partner Karla Fraser and Lawyer Katharine Ward explain ...

Fact sheet: The term sheet decoded
Insight 24 Sep 2015

The term sheet is the key document that determines the basis on which VCs and other investors will invest in your startup This means that its crucial to get the basics right from the outset ...

Ashley Madison - litigation risks exposed
Insight 15 Sep 2015

The recent hacking of website AshleyMadisoncom has exposed the websites parent companies to lawsuits in the US and Canada and has attracted the attention of the Australian Privacy Commissioner ...

ASIC - A crackdown on corporate culture
Insight 04 Sep 2015

Corporate culture and its role in shaping conduct within the financial services sector is now clearly at the forefront of ASICs enforcement agenda This focus was apparent in ASICs 2014-2015 strategic outlook released in October 2014 which identified corporate culture as a key risk driver and poor ...

The UK's focus on personal accountability for bank employees: a sign of things to come?
Insight 04 Sep 2015

Last month we discussed the carrot in the UK Parliamentary Commission on Banking Standards - how the regulators are making sure remuneration for bank staff encourages prudent risk behaviour This month we are looking at the stick - how the UK is strengthening regulators enforcement armoury to enable ...

Regulating bonuses: will Australia be next?
Insight 05 Aug 2015

The UKs Financial Conduct Authority and Prudential Regulation Authority released rules in June this year to further tighten what are already fairly onerous restrictions on the payment of bonuses to staff in banks building societies and certain big investment firms The worlds financial regulators ...

Financial System Inquiry: where are we at?
Insight 05 Aug 2015

Federal Treasurer Joe Hockey released the Financial System Inquiry report on 7 December 2014 saying that the report I release today delivers on our election commitment and lays out a blueprint for the financial system over the next decade And he is right - the Government did as promised commission ...

