491-500 of 659 results

A safe harbour for now - product liability risk exposure stemming from human rights abuses in supply chains
Insight 02 May 2016

Globalisation has created significant benefits for consumers by making products cheaper to purchase It has allowed consumers to access food that is out of season from halfway across the globe or regularly update the model of their phone However the long and complex supply chains that facilitate ...

Court accepts market-based causation
Insight 21 Apr 2016

Perhaps the most important unanswered question in Australian class action law has been how causation may be established in a shareholder class action After more than a decade of uncertainty the Supreme Court of NSW has ruled that shareholders can prove causation by establishing that the price of the ...

Full Federal Court blocks US depositions for Australian class action
Insight 18 Apr 2016

The Full Federal Court has ordered an anti-suit injunction against the applicant and a group member in the Treasury Wine Estates shareholder class action preventing the taking of oral depositions from US-based employees under US court procedures Partner Duncan Travis and Associate Michela Agnoletti ...

Court refuses to approve class action settlement
Insight 12 Apr 2016

In a recent Federal Court decision Justice Murphy refused to approve the settlement agreement between the parties to the Willmott class action finding that the terms of the settlement were not fair and reasonable ...

Government and ASIC announcements for FinTech sector
Insight 23 Mar 2016

There were three announcements this week that will serve to bolster the emerging Australian FinTech sector The Government released a statement in support of FinTech as part of its National Innovation and Science Agenda while ASIC issued two sets of guidance an information sheet for providers of ...

Allens Accelerate: The startup investor tax concessions - what you need to know
Insight 22 Mar 2016

The Federal Government has introduced a Bill detailing tax concessions to incentivise investment into Australian startups ...

NSW to go it alone on a tort of privacy?
Insight 11 Mar 2016

A New South Wales legislative committee has released a report following an inquiry into remedies for serious invasions of privacy in New South Wales In an unexpected and controversial move the report recommends that the NSW Government take the lead by introducing a statutory cause of action for ...

Media ownership reform back in the spotlight
Insight 08 Mar 2016

The Federal Government has introduced a narrow package of media ownership reform which if enacted will reduce the restrictions imposed by the Broadcasting Services Act on the ownership of media assets across platforms and market ...

You've got to be perfected - Equipment leasing and the PPSA
Insight 07 Mar 2016

A recent decision of the Supreme Court of New South Wales has again illustrated the potentially severe consequences for lessors of equipment and other goods under the vesting provisions of the Personal Property Securities Act 2009 Cth The lease can be a security interest If the lessors dont perfect ...

Contractors face uphill battle restraining security calls
Insight 07 Mar 2016

The Supreme Court of Western Australia has dismissed a subcontractors application for an interlocutory injunction restraining a call on a bank guarantee Partners Nick Rudge and Jeremy Quan-Sing and Lawyer Evan Lacey discuss the decision and its implications ...

