511-520 of 659 results

Fact sheet: Show me the money: Tax reforms to encourage investment in startups
Insight 10 Dec 2015

The Ideas Boom has arrived with the Federal Governments National Innovation and Science Agenda Central to the new agenda are a raft of tax and regulatory measures designed to encourage greater investment in startups to help them both get off the ground and to survive the valley of death with greater ...

Significant High Court decision on settlement of regulatory proceedings
Insight 09 Dec 2015

The High Court today held that parties and regulators are permitted to put before the court an agreed position as to the value of a penalty reached as part of a settlement agreement Our Regulatory team reports ...

Allens Accelerate: Get ready for the #IdeasBoom!
Insight 08 Dec 2015

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has unveiled the hotly awaited National Innovation and Science Agenda NISA The Prime Minister declared the beginning of the Ideas Boom stating that unlike the mining boom this is a boom that can continue forever The NISA comprises more than 20 individual policies and ...

Release of exposure draft of mandatory data breach notification laws
Insight 08 Dec 2015

The Federal Government has taken the first step in fulfilling its promise to introduce a mandatory data breach notification scheme Under an exposure draft of the proposed legislation companies will be required to notify the Office of the Australian Information Commission and affected individuals of ...

Major overhaul of Australia's foreign investment laws: what's new?
Insight 04 Dec 2015

The new package of legislation overhauling Australias foreign investment laws the first major revision in 40 years commenced on 1 December 2015 While many features of the previous regime have been retained and sometimes re-named there are also a number of significant changes Partners Jeremy Low ...

UK Supreme Court counters High Court on penalties
Insight 19 Nov 2015

The highest appellate court in the UK has affirmed and restated the penalty rule as it applies in the UK in a recent decision that directly addresses and counters the High Court of Australias approach to the rule in Andrews Partner Nick Rudge and Lawyer Patrick Easton report ...

Federal Court judgment in the Chevron transfer pricing case
Insight 10 Nov 2015

The Federal Courts much-anticipated judgment in emChevron Australia Holdings v Commissioner of Taxationem is the next important step in the development of Australias transfer pricing rules Partners Martin Fry and Toby Knight discuss certain implications of the decision ...

High Court rules on freezing orders for prospective overseas judgments
Insight 04 Nov 2015

The High Court of Australia recently upheld the Western Australian Court of Appeals decision allowing for the WA Supreme Court to make freezing orders for a prospective judgment in Singapore The core of the decision was a finding that the federal jurisdiction of state Supreme Courts to register ...

Government rejigs electronic health records system with opt-out approach
Insight 21 Oct 2015

The Federal Governments electronic health records system may have a new lease on life following the introduction of a new Bill that attempts to improve the systems effectiveness with key changes such as the transition to an opt-out approach Partner Ian McGill Senior Associate Phil OSullivan and ...

Fact sheet: Starting-up smart: How to get the most out of your lawyer, for less
Insight 19 Oct 2015

If youre focused on testing your idea developing your product and scraping together enough funds to talk to foundation customers engaging a lawyer could be the last thing on your mind ...

