521-530 of 695 results for 'consumer data right'

October compliance deadlines: rounding up the last-minute changes
Insight 27 Oct 2021

October marks the commencement of the design and distribution obligations (DDO) regime, the deferred sales model for add-on insurance (DSM), changes to the anti-hawking rules, refreshed standards for internal dispute resolution systems and, to top it all off, a new breach reporting regime. ...

Managing the risks of brand collaborations – a few top tips
Insight 17 Dec 2021

Brand collaborations can create exciting commercial opportunities for businesses. However, they involve a number of risks. These include, for example, the possibility that a collaborator may suffer unexpected damage to their brand which makes the collaboration no longer commercially viable. Therefor ...

The Full Federal Court has its say on authorisation of copyright infringement
Insight 01 Sep 2022

The Full Federal Court has delivered its judgment in Campaigntrack Pty Ltd v Real Estate Tool Box Pty Ltd and, although the court ultimately allowed Campaigntrack's appeal, was divided on authorisation of copyright infringement. We analyse this interesting decision and its effects. ...

Coming soon to a registrar near you: how your business can secure a .au direct domain name
Insight 28 Oct 2021

For a six-month period from 24 March 2022 only, registrants with an existing .au domain name (eg 'allens.com.au') can apply for 'Priority Status' to register an exact match of the existing .au domain name as a .au direct domain name ...

Important developments for offshore diagnostic testing
Insight 01 Sep 2021

In Ariosa Diagnostics, Inc & Ors v Sequenom, Inc [2021] FCAFC 101, the Full Federal Court delivered significant clarity for companies who provide or conduct diagnostic tests. ...

You can't always get (the trade mark registration) you want: Rock Royalty, Aunty Helen, Jacindarella and bad faith
Insight 01 Sep 2021

Does a trade mark for JAGGER & STONE remind you of a certain rock band? Should New Zealand's former Prime Minister have the right to oppose trade mark registration of her nickname? Recent Trade Mark Office decisions in Australia and New Zealand shine a light on the opposition ground of bad faith. ...

Australian GUI GUIde – design protection for Graphical User Interfaces
Insight 22 Feb 2021

Reform for Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs) has been excluded from the most recent package of Australian design amendments. ...

Removal of trade marks for non-use – a bittersweet end for "LIME"
Insight 15 Dec 2020

A recent Federal Court decision has highlighted how different factors can impact the assessment of a non-use application under section 92(4) of the Trade Marks Act 1995 (Cth). 1 The Taxiprop decisi ...

Sussex Royal – financial independence or cashing in on the crown?
Insight 28 Feb 2020

The Sussex Royal trademark saga is a reminder that a proactive IP protection strategy is 'royally' important when seeking to launch and protect well-known brands. ...

What does Blackbeard have in common with North Carolina?
Insight 18 Dec 2019

They're both pirates! At least, that is video production company Nautilus Production's allegation before the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS), which has been asked to ponder the copyright in materials relating to Queen Anne's Revenge, the ship belonging to infamous pirate Blackbeard. ...

