521-530 of 848 results

A step closer to industry funding of ASIC
Insight 07 Apr 2017

Last week the Federal Government moved another step closer to implementing an industry funding model for the recovery of ASICs costs by introducing the ASIC Supervisory Cost Recovery Levy Bill 2017 as well as two related Bills into Parliament These Bills implement the recommendations of the ...

Victoria's plan for value creation and capture
Insight 06 Apr 2017

The Victorian Government has released the Victorian Value Creation and Capture Framework which articulates its policy on value creation and value capture in the planning and delivery of public projects ...

Report: Our look ahead to the private equity market in Australia
Insight 03 Apr 2017

With the current exit cycle coming to an end for many sponsors and large amounts of dry powder waiting to be deployed were expecting an uptick in new investment activity in Australia by private equity sponsors There are some key trends and sectors to look out for in 2017 The Private Equity team at ...

The latest from the High Court on contractual interpretation
Insight 30 Mar 2017

A recent High Court case which addressed the Codelfa rule did not explicitly resolve the controversy as to its application, however may be seen as a further departure from the 'ambiguity gateway' approach. ...

Productivity Commission's proposed alternate default models for superannuation
Insight 30 Mar 2017

In the latest and undoubtedly most significant of its reports into the design of default superannuation arrangements in Australia the Productivity Commission yesterday released its Draft Report in relation to Superannuation Alternative Default Models Partner Geoff Sanders of the Allens ...

Treasury consultation paper flags changes to stapled structures
Insight 28 Mar 2017

Stapled structures have been used as an investment platform in the property and infrastructure sectors for decades and more recently have been deployed into renewable energy agriculture and other areas Through the issue of its Taxpayer Alert on stapled structures on 31 January 2017 the ATO indicated ...

25 years of class actions
Insight 27 Mar 2017

Class action risk is changing A new wave of entrepreneurialism by plaintiff lawyers and litigation funders has substantially changed class action dynamics in recent times The 25th anniversary of the class action regime is a good opportunity to reflect on whether in the light of those and other ...

Crowd sourced equity funding to gain traction with new legislation
Insight 23 Mar 2017

After a difficult journey both Houses have passed the Corporations Amendment Crowd-sourced Funding Bill 2016 - introducing a new funding avenue for Australian startups and an opportunity for retail investors to access equity in emerging companies ...

Innovative Superannuation Income Streams - at last
Insight 21 Mar 2017

Earlier today Treasury released exposure draft regulations for Innovative Superannuation Income Streams They set out income stream standards that will be relevant for products such as deferred annuities and group self-annuitised products The Allens Superannuation team reports ...

