551-560 of 636 results

ASIC releases paper on collective action by institutional investors
Insight 26 Feb 2015

ASIC has released its consultation paper on collective shareholder actions which calls for feedback on a draft update to Regulatory Guide 128 The consultation paper illustrates ASICs current albeit preliminary views on the tension between fostering increased investor engagement on the one hand and ...

Competition law update
Insight 25 Feb 2015

In touch Competition law update is a regular publication by the Allens Competition Law group to keep you informed of the latest news and developments in this area ...

First Asset Recycling Initiative agreement signed
Insight 24 Feb 2015

The Federal Government announced late last week that the first agreement under its 5 billion Asset Recycling Initiative has been signed with the ACT Government demonstrating the Federal Governments commitment to the Initiative despite the underlying legislation remaining stalled by the Senate ...

Distressed debt M&A - share transfers without a scheme
Insight 17 Feb 2015

The Supreme Court of New South Wales has given further guidance on the scope of its power to grant leave to a deed administrator to compulsorily transfer the shares of a company The decision in the matter of Nexus Energy Ltd subject to deed of company arrangement 2014 NSWSC 1910 confirms that this ...

Changes to the rules governing foreign investment in Australian agriculture
Insight 13 Feb 2015

The Australian Government has announced that from 1 March 2015 acquisitions of agricultural land worth more than A15 million and any additional acquisitions over and above that amount will require government approval It will also establish a foreign ownership register of agricultural land ...

Finality: an important objective of class actions
Insight 12 Feb 2015

The recent Great Southern class action settlement included a term by which group members acknowledged and admitted that loans taken out with independent financiers to finance investments in Great Southern managed investment schemes were valid and enforceable Two separate Victorian Supreme Court ...

Competition law update
Insight 12 Feb 2015

In touch Competition law update is a regular publication by the Allens Competition Law group to keep you informed of the latest news and developments in this area ...

ASIC's enforcement powers may receive a boost
Insight 05 Feb 2015

In preparing its Final Report the FSI has clearly paid close attention to the report of the Senate Economics References Committees Report into ASICs performance and its recommendations designed to strengthen ASIC through a combination of better funding an enhanced regulatory toolkit and higher ...

Will Australia serve up a Chilean-style super system?
Insight 05 Feb 2015

The Financial System Inquirys final report was blunt in its assessment of the current state of Australias super system noting that the superannuation system is not operationally efficient due to a lack of strong price-based competition The Inquirys concern with super fees and costs led to one of the ...

A new dawn for crowd sourced equity funding?
Insight 05 Feb 2015

CAMAC and the FSI have acknowledged that the current Australian regulatory settings are hostile to crowd sourced equity funding A recently released Treasury Discussion Paper has considered three options for law reform and what each might mean for the development of this innovative form of capital ...

