551-560 of 606 results

Fighting to protect Fintech innovations
Insight 03 Dec 2014

The growth of financial services technology or Fintech as it is now called has exploded in recent years yet many of its creators dont realise that their innovations are patentable ...

Taxation of certain unit trusts - 'attribution' model to replace 'present entitlement'
Insight 03 Dec 2014

You may be forgiven for having lost track of the proposed reforms to the taxation of managed investment trusts or MITs given that this initiative has been announced by successive Federal governments since 2010 Finally though an exposure draft of new legislation is expected to be released before ...

Opportunities for financial services from the China-Australia FTA
Insight 03 Dec 2014

The Australian and Chinese governments recently announced the conclusion of negotiations on the China Australia Free Trade Agreement According to DFAT Chinas financial services commitments under the agreement represent one of the most substantial market access undertakings China has agreed to with ...

Bank technology failures: A new frontier for regulatory intervention?
Insight 03 Dec 2014

The UKs regulatory authorities have imposed the largest ever fines in Europe for technology failures in the financial services industry following a serious IT incident affecting more than 65 million customers in the UK It should serve as a cautionary tale for Australian financial institutions ...

ASIC seeking feedback on electronic disclosure proposals
Insight 17 Nov 2014

The Australian Securities and Investments Commission is seeking feedback on proposals to help facilitate the increased use of electronic means of providing disclosure for financial products and services The proposals include new class order relief to facilitate the increased use of multimedia ...

Privacy Commissioner reports on Department of Immigration and Border Protection's data breach
Insight 13 Nov 2014

The Australian Privacy Commissioner has released a report into the Department of Immigration and Border Protection having breached the privacy of asylum seekers in February 2014 Partner Michael Pattison and Associate Priyanka Nair report on the Commissioners findings and the lessons for all ...

Getting the deal through - Australia PPP chapter
Insight 05 Nov 2014

Partners Leighton OBrien and Nicholas Ng provide an overview on public-private partnerships PPPs in Australia examining the general PPP framework trends in the industry the procurement process operation and maintenance default and termination and financing ...

The 'Internet of Things' meets financial advice
Insight 05 Nov 2014

With financial services providers already taking advantage of the possibilities created by a new tide of internet meta data we need regulators and a regulatory regime that see the opportunities implicit in the change and not only the risks ...

Big Data v 'personal advice' - an unequal contest?
Insight 05 Nov 2014

There is a contest underway between two heavyweights In one corner of the ring we have Big Data In the other corner we have the definition of personal advice in section 766B3 of the Corporations Act ...

Some facts (and myths) about ASIC and product intervention powers
Insight 01 Oct 2014

The closer you look at the recent discussion about product intervention powers for ASIC the clearer it becomes that the discussion has little basis in fact ...

