571-580 of 848 results

The Life Insurance Code of Practice - just a code, or something more?
Insight 07 Oct 2016

The new Life Insurance Code of Practice has much to recommend it The paragraphs concerning policy design are a case in point But is the Code indeed just a code or does it purport to go further ...

Queensland foreign stamp duty surcharge - relief guidelines issued
Insight 03 Oct 2016

New relief guidelines have been issued on Queensland's foreign stamp duty surcharge ...

Passporting relief threatened in ASIC Class Order repeal
Insight 29 Sep 2016

Foreign financial services providers relying on passporting a foreign licence to provide their services in Australia will find their regulatory relief could be expiring in 2 years - and has become subject to a new condition - following ASICs actions to repeal the ASIC Class Orders which give effect ...

Foreign purchaser stamp duty surcharge about to start in Queensland
Insight 20 Sep 2016

From 1 October 2016 a stamp duty surcharge of an additional 3 per cent will apply when a foreign person acquires residential land in Queensland Affected taxpayers should therefore urgently consider whether contracts relating to potentially affected transactions can be exchanged in the next few days ...

Designing effective remediation programs
Insight 19 Sep 2016

ASIC issued Regulatory Guide 256 Client review and remediation conducted by advice licensees late last week In short RG 256 says an Australian financial services licensees duty to provide financial services efficiently honestly and fairly means they have to take responsibility for the consequences ...

Protecting accrued superannuation benefits from adverse changes
Insight 06 Sep 2016

For a long time now superannuation lawyers have tried to work out the meaning of the following words a beneficiarys right or claim to accrued benefits and the amount of those accrued benefits must not be altered adversely to the beneficiary by amendment of the governing rules or by any other act ...

Improving the role of the Appointed Actuary
Insight 06 Sep 2016

APRA is seeking to improve the role of the Appointed Actuary in general and life insurance companies and has proposed some reforms in a discussion paper released earlier this year ...

Not better late - the Prime Trust appeal judgment
Insight 06 Sep 2016

The main Prime Trust appeal judgement is relatively well known but a trusts responsible entities and their officers should look at what the appeal court had to say on other related matters ...

Financial Services Class Actions
Insight 06 Sep 2016

Our class actions team recently published our Class Action Risk 2016 report The objective of the report is to look behind the headlines and hype that often surrounds class actions to provide a more holistic and objective assessment of class action risk for our clients This is particularly important ...

Productivity Commission report into superannuation system bodes well for the future
Insight 06 Sep 2016

At first glance the recent Productivity Commission Draft Report on How to Assess the Competitiveness and Efficiency of the Superannuation System August 2016 could be dismissed as nothing more than a procedural step along the road to the ultimate goal as recommended by the FSI of developing an ...

