581-590 of 659 results

Competition law update
Insight 18 Dec 2014

In touch Competition law update is a regular publication by the Allens Competition Law group to keep you informed of the latest news and developments in this area ...

A shake-up for the NBN and the wider telecommunications industry
Insight 17 Dec 2014

The Federal Government has announced new regulatory measures that it hopes will create a more competition-friendly telecommunications environment and ensure that the National Broadband Network NBN is rolled out across the nation as quickly as possible Two new Government policy papers released last ...

Will deductions by employees for home to work travel fly?
Insight 17 Dec 2014

A recent Federal Court decision means 'fly-in fly-out' workers cannot claim tax deductions for the cost of transport to and from work. ...

Investigations - ICAC has its wings clipped
Insight 11 Dec 2014

By a two to one majority the NSW Court of Appeal has held that the Independent Commission Against Corruption had no power under the ICAC Act to investigate an allegation to the effect that as a result of conduct involving an alleged intention to pervert the course of justice a public official had ...

Can you make a supply merely by tolerating something?
Insight 08 Dec 2014

In an important ruling the High Court has decided that a purchaser of leased premises will make a supply of the leased premises when after completion the purchaser observes its express obligations under the lease The decision provides much-needed certainty for vendors and purchasers of leased ...

Productivity Commission - Access to Justice Arrangements report and recommendations
Insight 05 Dec 2014

The Access to Justice Arrangements report proposes broad-ranging reforms to our civil justice system with the aim of improving access to justice Partner Belinda Thompson and Lawyer Annie Santamaria highlight some recommendations which also have the potential to impact more broadly on Australias ...

Peer-to-peer lending - a disruptive threat to banks?
Insight 05 Dec 2014

The expansion of peer to peer lending in Australia will likely be a disruptive force for both banks and broader commercial stakeholders ...

Allens insights: Merit appeals and the need for reform: Warkworth Mining Ltd v Bulga Milbrodale Progress Association Inc
Insight 04 Dec 2014

In Warkworth Mining Ltd v Bulga Milbrodale Progress Association Inc the NSW Court of Appeal upheld the decision of the NSW Land and Environment Court LEC to refuse approval for the expansion of the Warkworth Mine near Bulga NSW ...

Fighting to protect Fintech innovations
Insight 03 Dec 2014

The growth of financial services technology or Fintech as it is now called has exploded in recent years yet many of its creators dont realise that their innovations are patentable ...

Bank technology failures: A new frontier for regulatory intervention?
Insight 03 Dec 2014

The UKs regulatory authorities have imposed the largest ever fines in Europe for technology failures in the financial services industry following a serious IT incident affecting more than 65 million customers in the UK It should serve as a cautionary tale for Australian financial institutions ...

