51-60 of 374 results

ASIC's Regulatory Guide 274: product design and distribution obligations

Webinar: ASIC's Regulatory Guide 274: product design and distribution obligations ...

Australian foreign investment national security reforms – moneylending exemption survives, substantially intact
Insight 14 Dec 2020

As part of the national security reforms the Government had proposed to revoke the moneylending exemption in the case of security over a 'national security business'. This would have required foreign lenders to apply to the Foreign Investment Review Board for approval or exemption before undertaking routine loan participations. ...

Design and Distribution Obligations
Insight 14 Dec 2020

Design and Distribution Obligations (DDO) regime is one of the biggest things for the financial services industry in 2020, affecting almost every part of the industry. ...

Changes to Regulatory Guide 256
Insight 07 Dec 2020

ASIC has released a first-round consultation paper on proposed changes to Regulatory Guide 256: Client Review and Remediation Conducted by Advice Licensees. The proposed changes are substantial, and will apply to new entities including super fund trustees. ...

Australian banking and finance market: the year that's been and what's ahead in 2021

Webinar: Australian banking and finance market: the year that's been and what's ahead in 2021 ...

Government introduces the Financial Sector Reform (Hayne Royal Commission Response) Bill 2020
Insight 13 Nov 2020

The government yesterday introduced into Parliament the Financial Sector Reform (Hayne Royal Commission Response) Bill 2020 to implement a large number of the Hayne Royal Commission recommendations. Many provisions have a start date of 1 January 2021, and some don't have a transition period. ...

A key landmark in IBOR transition
Insight 23 Oct 2020

The long-awaited ISDA IBOR Fallbacks Supplement and Protocol will be going live today with the endorsement of ASIC, the RBA and APRA. They implement new benchmark fallbacks for both future and existing derivative contracts, facilitating the efficient transition from LIBOR and other IBORs in anticipation of their discontinuation. If you have a derivatives portfolio, the Protocol allows quick and easy adoption of the new fallbacks through a one-off adherence. That said, it may not be sufficient to cover all scenarios. ...

From MySuper to YourSuper
Insight 07 Oct 2020

The Government released a paper entitled 'Your Future, Your Super' setting out 'reforms to make your super work harder for you' in the 2020-21 budget.  This article summarises the measures and gives our take on them.  ...

Insolvency reforms to support small business
Insight 24 Sep 2020

The Commonwealth government announced a package of reforms directed at streamlining insolvency processes for small business. Our analysis on the issue from our insolvency and restructuring experts. ...

The future of financial services: collaborating for economic stability webinar

Webinar: The future of financial services Discussion and Q&A with Anna Bligh AC, CEO of the Australian Banking Association, for a targeted look at the banking sector's priorities in a post-COVID world. ...

