51-60 of 514 results

Financial services regulatory update

Webinar: Financial services regulatory update: Advice Review and Superannuation Regulatory Reform ...

2022 PE Horizons update: caution and opportunity
Insight 05 Sep 2022

Geo-political tensions, high inflation and rising interest rates have created significant market volatility. This inevitably breeds caution amongst sponsors, but also creates opportunity. ...

Major changes proposed to financial advice regime
Insight 30 Aug 2022

Treasury has released a further consultation paper as part of the Quality of Advice Review, seeking feedback on interim proposals for changes to the regulatory regime governing financial advice. ...

ASIC's Corporate Plan shaped by emerging environmental, economic and technology trends
Insight 29 Aug 2022

ASIC has released its four-year plan, which outlines its key areas of focus. Of these four priorities, three are new: Design and distribution obligations; Retirement decision making; Sustainable finance; and Technology risks. ...

Another year of relief for foreign financial service providers – but the relief saga continues
Insight 05 Aug 2022

In this Insight, we cover what the extension of the existing licensing relief means for FFSPs; what the Bill (and its lapsing) means for FFSPs; and what options are available to FFSPs moving forward. ...

The global crypto-assets landscape

Webinar: Crypto-assets part two ...

Crypto-assets part one

Webinar: Crypto-assets part one ...

New ASIC guidance on how superannuation and managed funds can avoid 'greenwashing'
Insight 16 Jun 2022

Greenwashing in the promotion of managed investment and superannuation funds is one of ASIC's current corporate governance priorities as it continues to 'monitor the market … looking for misleading claims about ESG and sustainability'. ...

What the wide-ranging sanctions on Russia mean for your organisation
Insight 19 May 2022

The Australian Government, introduced a wave of new trade and financial sanctions measures against Russia in response to the situation in Ukraine. This is the first time in living memory that a major economy has been subject to such wide-ranging sanctions, with implications for a range of industries. ...

Federal Court finds cyber risk management is a critical obligation for financial services firms
Insight 06 May 2022

The Federal Court handed down its judgment in proceedings brought by ASIC against RI Advice on 5 May 20221. It found that, as result of its failure to manage cyber security risks and cyber resilience, RI Advice breached its obligations to do all things necessary to ensure that the financial services covered by the licence were provided efficiently and fairly, and to have adequate risk management systems in place. ...

