591-600 of 659 results

Does legal professional privilege apply to communications with third-party commercial advisers?
Insight 14 Aug 2014

Parties involved in large-scale commercial transactions with non-lawyer third-party advisers need to be aware that communications with these advisers will rarely be protected by legal professional privilege following a recent Federal Court decision ...

UN resolution could be the start of a binding treaty on business and human rights
Insight 13 Aug 2014

The UN Human Rights Council has recently passed resolutions that provide for the establishment of a working group to develop an international legally binding human rights instrument for transnational corporations as well as commissioning a report on the pros and cons of this approach Partner Rachel ...

Bringing light to the shadows: regulation of the Australian shadow banking sector
Insight 08 Aug 2014

The Financial Stability Board has been working since the GFC to develop a policy framework that mitigates the systemic risks of the shadow banking sector while simultaneously preserving its benefits We examine international developments in shadow banking and the Boards proposed regulatory response ...

Class Action Insights
Insight 08 Aug 2014

In recent months the funding of class actions has been prominent in the legal press The issues canvassed have included the regulation of third party funders the case for and against lawyers charging contingency fees attempts by lawyers to establish third party funding vehicles the Productivity ...

Another win for arbitration
Insight 07 Aug 2014

The FCAFC has upheld an earlier decision rejecting an application to set aside or not enforce an international arbitral award. ...

Competition law update
Insight 28 Jul 2014

In touch Competition law update is a regular publication by the Allens Competition Law group to keep you informed of the latest news and developments in this area ...

First steps in Constitutional recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples
Insight 25 Jul 2014

The Joint Select Committee on Constitutional Recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples has released its interim report The report indicates that there is likely to be bipartisan support for constitutional amendments giving specific recognition to Aboriginal and Torres Strait ...

The limits of lawyer-driven litigation
Insight 24 Jul 2014

A recent VSC decision has examined the limits on entrepreneurship by securities class action lawyers ...

Competition law update
Insight 15 Jul 2014

In touch Competition law update is a regular publication by the Allens Competition Law group to keep you informed of the latest news and developments in this area ...

Further support for arbitration
Insight 15 Jul 2014

In a recent decision the Victorian Court of Appeal has held that parties to an arbitration agreement cannot avoid arbitration by seeking to bring the claim in a statutory tribunal Partner Nick Rudge and Lawyer James Waters report on a case that reinforces the trend of Australian courts to give ...

