601-610 of 636 results

Shareholder activism in Australia
Insight 24 Jul 2014

The past few years have seen a dramatic rise in shareholder activism across Europe and the US This trend is now becoming increasingly common in Australia Following an unsuccessful attempt to gain control of the board of ASX-listed Antares Energy Limited by a US-based hedge fund Partner Tim Lester ...

Running out of time for retirement income reform
Insight 22 Jul 2014

The Government has released a consultation paper on the regulation of retirement income streams It says that the Government wants to encourage the development of more retirement products But this is old news and the paper offers few concrete policy proposals other than in the area of deferred ...

The interim report of the Financial System Inquiry
Insight 15 Jul 2014

The Financial System Inquiry Interim Report was issued today There are few surprises in the options and comments although there are some significant omissions There does not appear to be any push for a significant shift in policy or in the regulation of the financial system There will be adjustments ...

ASIC report on disclosure of fees and costs
Insight 08 Jul 2014

Today ASIC released a report outlining the shortcomings in the disclosure of fees and costs for superannuation and managed investment products While everyone may not like what it says and for some it may be too little too late the more detailed discussion of what the law requires may be helpful ...

The Financial System Inquiry - matchmaking superannuation and infrastructure investment?
Insight 08 Jul 2014

The vast pool of capital held in Australian superannuation funds now approximately A18 trillion has long been touted as a natural solution to Australias infrastructure funding deficit With the stable long-term cash flows characteristic of infrastructure assets providing a natural fit to the ...

Why CAMAC's final report might kickstart equity crowdfunding
Insight 08 Jul 2014

As you read this the Melbourne-based makers of LazerBlade the affordable laser cutter engraver are probably exchanging high-fives Their Kickstarter project seeking 45000 has raised almost ten times that much Soon the projects backers hope to receive their LazerBlades ndash their pledges were ...

Development of the corporate bond market
Insight 08 Jul 2014

It has been recognised for some time that the domestic corporate bond market constitutes a weak spot in the otherwise robust and deep Australian capital markets The less developed domestic bond market is a distinguishing feature among the leading financial systems and capital markets This was no ...

Increasing ASIC's enforcement powers
Insight 08 Jul 2014

In its submission to the Financial System Inquiry the Australian Securities and Investment Commission has again raised the issue of the penalties that are available to it to punish and deter corporate wrongdoing ASICs submission recommends that a holistic review be conducted into the availability ...

ASIC's (limited) guidance on superannuation fees and costs disclosure
Insight 01 Jul 2014

Today 1 July sees the implementation of changes to the fee and cost disclosure rules for superannuation and managed investment products While a new information sheet from ASIC provides guidance on certain aspects of the new rules superannuation trustees have been left to grapple largely unaided with ...

Government releases FOFA regulations
Insight 30 Jun 2014

The Governments much anticipated FOFA regulations were registered today and provide significant relief for benefits provided to employees and representatives of product issuers who provide general advice They also expressly allow bonuses to be linked to successful product sales providing the bonus ...

