641-650 of 679 results

Disclosure: current complexity, future clarity?
Insight 04 Jun 2014

Since the 1996 Wallis Inquiry disclosure has been at the heart of the regulatory philosophy for the retail financial services sector in Australia Under the Financial System Inquirys terms of reference the Inquiry will refresh the philosophy principles and objectives underpinning the development of a ...

CAMAC is dead. Long live the FSI
Insight 04 Jun 2014

The recent Federal budget included measures to abolish some government bodies by 1 July 2015 One of those is the Corporations and Markets Advisory Committee CAMAC This is a pity for those involved in the funds management industry because it means that CAMAC is no longer accepting submissions in ...

Superannuation retirement phase - lessons from recent UK annuity changes
Insight 04 Jun 2014

A key risk faced by self-funded retirees is the possibility that their superannuation savings will not last as long as they will While lifetime pensions and annuities issued by life companies can assist in addressing this risk there has traditionally been a relatively low uptake of these products by ...

Will ASIC shift its regulatory focus from disclosure to suitability?
Insight 04 Jun 2014

The Financial System Inquiry inevitably the Murray Inquiry is the successor of the Campbell Inquiry 1979-1981 and the Wallis Inquiry 1996-1997 Both the Campbell and Wallis reports considered that investors were best protected through disclosure and market integrity rules Both reports assumed that ...

Final version of Metropolitan Planning Strategy released
Insight 23 May 2014

Following consultation and feedback a final version of the Metropolitan Planning Strategy known as Plan Melbourne has been launched While the focus of Plan Melbourne continues to be on employment cluster locations and urban renewal opportunities there is also a renewed focus in the final document on ...

Rural leasehold in Queensland now more attractive for investors
Insight 21 May 2014

New legislation in Queensland that implements a range of reforms for leasehold land has been passed and will commence on a day to be fixed by proclamation The reforms will provide greater security of tenure for rural leaseholders and are likely to make such leases more attractive to investors ...

The Federal Court on information to third parties, legal professional privilege and waiver
Insight 21 May 2014

A recent Federal Court decision highlights the importance of managing the provision of information and documentation to third parties with caution in order to preserve legal professional privilege Partner Richard Harris and Senior Associate Elnaz Nikibin report on the case ...

'One stop shop' environmental approvals a step closer in Queensland and NSW
Insight 19 May 2014

A one stop shop for Commonwealth and state environmental approvals in Queensland and New South Wales is a step closer with the release of draft Approval Bilateral Agreements If implemented as planned Queensland and New South Wales will each become responsible for assessing and approving projects for ...

Confirmation of FATCA Status of Australian Superannuation Funds
Insight 16 May 2014

The Intergovernmental Agreement between Australia and the United States in relation to the implementation of the FATCA regime has been signed. ...

Material adverse change
Insight 15 May 2014

In a recent decision the New South Wales Supreme Court held that a sufficiently significant failure to meet budget expectations could constitute a material adverse change and upheld the lenders right to serve a default notice and accelerate repayment on this basis Partner Diccon Loxton and Lawyer ...

