651-660 of 695 results for 'consumer data right'

Australia's foreign investment approval (FIRB) regime: what you need to know
Insight 15 Mar 2017

Australias foreign investment approval regime is increasingly a major political issue that is often highlighted and discussed in the media Our foreign investment law experts have summarised the key information you need to know about Australias FIRB regime ...

Nucleus – corporate law developments: major FIRB law changes; ASIC extends relief for financial reporting and AGM requirements; and other corporate law developments
Insight 09 Feb 2021

Major foreign investment law changes; ASIC extends relief for financial reporting and AGM requirements and issues guidance on design and distribution laws; ASX issues guidance to address 'earning surprises'; ACCC releases first digital platform inquiry interim report; and WA Supreme Court hands down decision with implications for legal professional privilege in internal emails. ...

Employment and Safety: Key employment changes from 1 July 2022 and other developments
Insight 18 Jul 2022

The latest issues, decisions and proposed changes impacting business and workplace risk ...

Class actions: A ten year survey
Insight 28 May 2015

Class action risk has become a major issue for boards senior management and general counsel A key question often asked in that context is whether the changing nature of the class actions landscape poses an increasing area of risk for Australian corporates ...

First shareholder class action judgment
Insight 25 Oct 2019

The Federal Court has handed down the first judgment in a shareholder class action. There is plenty in the decision for board members and senior executives to consider in the application of the continuous disclosure laws. ...

Sustainability reporting – what you need to know to be prepared for the ISSB Standards
Insight 21 Dec 2022

The International Sustainability Standards Board (the ISSB), established by the IFRS Foundation at COP26 in November 2021, is currently developing a global framework for sustainability- and climate- related financial disclosures. ...

Mergers & Acquisitions: changes to Australia's foreign investment framework
Insight 07 May 2015

The Australian Government has announced wide reaching changes to Australias foreign investment framework that will apply from 1 December 2015 Partner Wendy Rae reports on the potential impacts of the changes which include new fees stricter enforcement and penalties and increased scrutiny around ...

Finkel Review - Electricity: Design for a market in transition
Insight 18 Jul 2017

In the fifth of our series analysing the Finkel Review we look at signals for new investment in the National Electricity Market The Reviews responses to this issue reject sweeping changes to the wholesale market structure but call for more immediate and targeted measures to support the transition of ...

Market-led proposals - still a unique opportunity
Insight 02 Oct 2018

Australia has seen a significant increase in market-led proposals for infrastructure projects This is having an important effect on how government interacts with the private sector with all states and territories having released detailed guidance intended to boost these submissions even more Partner ...

FIRB and critical minerals
Insight 31 May 2023

In this Insight, we outline the extent to which the FIRB regime currently regulates foreign investment in critical minerals and consider the potential future direction of the regulatory framework. ...

