671-679 of 679 results

The mFund Settlement Service - coming soon
Insight 12 Feb 2014

The ASX has announced that it has now received regulatory clearance for its new mFund Settlement Service previously known as AQUA II and the ASX Managed Funds Service which it hopes will be launched before 30 June 2014 Once established the service will allow investors to transact electronically in ...

Update on the new costs rules in the Queensland Planning and Environment Court
Insight 12 Feb 2014

A recent Queensland Planning and Environment Court decision sheds light on the application of the new rules for awarding costs following a trial Special Counsel Rosanne Meurling and Lawyer David Thorpe consider the recent judgment and provide an update regarding the implications for parties to ...

Statutory assumptions for lenders dealing with companies - useful but are they limited?
Insight 03 Feb 2014

This Insight examines the use of statutory assumptions under S129 of the Corporations Act by banks and others, in light of a recent decision of the NSWCA. ...

Victoria implements new planning regime for native vegetation clearing
Insight 24 Jan 2014

Following on from our report in June 2013 reforms to the Victorian planning scheme provisions controlling clearance of native vegetation have now been implemented through Planning Scheme Amendment VC105 Special Counsel Meg Lee and Lawyer Katherine Kirby outline the new regime ...

The end of the PPSA transitional period - what happens now?
Insight 24 Jan 2014

With the end of the transitional period under the personal property securities legislation fast approaching those entities that rely upon having interests in property held by others must act now to ensure those interests are properly registered even where they are transitional so there is no loss of ...

Queensland releases a draft of its 30-year vision
Insight 20 Jan 2014

The Queensland Government has released a working draft of its 30-year vision for the state Special Counsel Rosanne Meurling looks at those aspects of the plan that are relevant to development ...

Asia Region Funds Passport - what's in store for 2014?
Insight 15 Jan 2014

At the recent APEC conference in Bali the finance ministers of Australia New Zealand Singapore and South Korea signed a formal Statement of Intent on the establishment of the Asia Region Funds Passport which will allow fund managers based in participating countries to market and sell certain managed ...

New rules on foreign investment in Vietnamese credit institutions
Insight 13 Jan 2014

The long-anticipated changes to the rules on foreign investment in Vietnamese credit institutions allowing greater levels of foreign investment particularly in the case of weak banks will soon come into effect Partner Robert Fish and Senior Associate Linh Bui report ...

Anti-money laundering laws review announced
Insight 08 Jan 2014

A review of Australia's anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing laws will determine whether Australia can and should strengthen its response to money laundering and terrorism financing. ...

