61-70 of 294 results

New .au direct domain names available for registration from 24 March 2022
Insight 24 Mar 2022

Further to our last update, new .au direct domain names (eg 'allens.au' instead of 'allens.com.au') have officially launched today. Eligible applicants will have a six month window to apply for priority status to register a .au direct domain name that matches their existing .au domain name. ...

The Aboriginal Flag may have been freed, but certain restrictions on use still apply
Insight 02 Mar 2022

The Australian Government recently acquired the copyright in the Aboriginal Flag and has announced that it is 'freely available for public use'. However, it is not in fact a free-for-all, and there are some important limitations to bear in mind. ...

Access allowed: exposure draft released for latest copyright reform bill
Insight 02 Mar 2022

On 21 December 2021, the Australian Government released an Exposure Draft of the Copyright Amendment (Access Reform) Bill and an accompanying Discussion Paper. This represents the final package of the government's copyright reforms in response to the 2016 Intellectual Property Arrangements inquiry b ...

Milk products, hashtags and the metaverse: the latest trade mark updates
Insight 02 Mar 2022

Over the past few months, the Federal Court and Federal Circuit and Family Court have handed down some important and interesting trade mark decisions concluding: ...

A (further) update on the Australian Patent Box
Insight 02 Mar 2022

The Federal Government has taken a major step towards the implementation of Australia's first patent box regime, introducing the Treasury Laws Amendment (Tax Concession for Australian Medical Innovations) Bill 2022 to parliament. We discuss the latest developments below. ...

Austria has united for the Patent Court
Insight 02 Mar 2022

Across Europe, eyes are on the horizon for the United Patent Court (UPC). After years of trials and tribulations, Austria has finally fully ratified the Protocol on the Provisional Application of the UPC Agreement, effective 19 January 2022. The UPC can now begin its preparatory phase. ...

Interlocutory injunction refused based on 'doubtful' patent term extension
Insight 23 Feb 2022

In the fight against patent infringement, challenging the validity of patent term extensions (PTEs) is increasingly becoming the weapon of choice for generic pharmaceutical companies. Since around the mid-2000s, patentees in pharmaceutical patent cases have typically been successful in bids for interlocutory injunctions, aiming to prevent the launch of generic products in Australia. The recent Biogen decision by the Federal Court is the latest in a trend of refusing interlocutory injunctions, and a clear indication the tide is turning. ...

Lessons on product branding and trade mark use in the context of halal certification
Insight 17 Dec 2021

In Halal Certification Authority v Flujo Sanguineo Holdings, the court dismissed Halal Certification Authority Pty Ltd's (HCA) claims of trade mark infringement, misleading or deceptive conduct and passing off against the Flujo Group of companies relating to the use of a halal-related trade mark, and ordered that its registration for that mark be cancelled. ...

Managing the risks of brand collaborations – a few top tips
Insight 17 Dec 2021

Brand collaborations can create exciting commercial opportunities for businesses. However, they involve a number of risks. These include, for example, the possibility that a collaborator may suffer unexpected damage to their brand which makes the collaboration no longer commercially viable. Therefor ...

Overcoming roadblocks to blockchain inventions
Insight 17 Dec 2021

In welcome news for technology innovators, a delegate of the Commissioner of Patents recently determined that certain blockchain inventions constituted patentable subject matter. ...

