771-780 of 848 results

Murray in a muddle over retirement incomes
Insight 01 Oct 2014

A close reading of the retirement incomes chapter in the interim report of the Financial System Inquiry reveals a series of paradoxes ...

What do ASIC and APRA want from Murray?
Insight 01 Oct 2014

Although more than 6500 second round submissions have been made to the Financial System Inquiry submissions made by ASIC and APRA will be read with greater interest than most The recommendations in these submissions are likely to be given greater weight by the FSI panel members and could find their ...

Is the pain worth the gain?
Insight 01 Oct 2014

ASIC has undertaken a bit of a survey of licensees who provide financial product advice to retail clients to see how they are faring a year into FoFA ...

ASIC proposes changes to fees and costs disclosure
Insight 24 Sep 2014

ASIC has released for industry comment a draft Class Order which would amend the fees and costs disclosure requirements that apply to superannuation and managed investment products The key proposed amendments relate to the way in which indirect costs must be disclosed Senior Associate Simun Soljo ...

New stormwater licencing in the pipeline
Insight 22 Sep 2014

New legislation that seeks to establish a statutory framework for the access to and use of stormwater in Victoria is an attempt to increase the use of stormwater in urban areas and furthers the Victorian Governments policy of limiting the diversion of water from rural areas for urban use The process ...

Amendments to BCIPA regime passed in Queensland
Insight 18 Sep 2014

The Queensland Parliament has passed amendments to the states security of payment legislation that aim to address concerns raised by the construction industry about unfairness in the payment claim and adjudication process ...

Australian landholder duty: avoid the pitfalls of an ever expanding duty base
Insight 10 Sep 2014

An increased focus on taxing indirect real property transfers has seen the 'land-rich' or 'landholder' duty rules expand significantly over the years, resulting in far more transactions being liable to duty. ...

Queensland property legislation passed (incl 20% deposit)
Insight 10 Sep 2014

The Land Sales and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2014, which will streamline the sale of property in Queensland, was passed by the Queensland Parliament yesterday. Partner Alister Fitzgerald ...

Lend Lease Development - will the High Court be moved on what 'moves' the transfer?
Insight 08 Sep 2014

In Lend Lease Development Pty Ltd v Commissioner of State Revenue, the Victorian Court of Appeal decided that certain 'development contributions' made by a purchaser to a vendor did not form part of the consideration that 'moved' the transfer of land to the purchaser. ...

Make informal payment arrangements for construction work at your own peril
Insight 05 Sep 2014

A recent decision of the New South Wales Supreme Court serves as a timely reminder that a construction contract under security of payment legislation can include an arrangement to carry out construction work that is not legally enforceable Managing Associate Nicholas Ng Associate Matt Thomas and ...

