71-80 of 168 results

Dealing with data: your M&A playbook
Insight 27 Nov 2019

There is more M&A activity in data across all sectors, and data opportunities and risks are impacting headline price, post-completion deal value and risk-allocation profile of investments and M&A transactions. For both buyers and sellers, this playbook helps in-house counsel and dealmakers navigate the data issues that arise in the context of mergers, acquisitions, demergers and investments to maximise the value in these transactions. ...

Dealing with data: emerging trends in M&A transactions
Insight 27 Nov 2019

Data remains one of the most undervalued assets, with most companies still failing to even include it as an asset on their balance sheet. Buyers and sellers who can recognise data assets and properly demonstrate how value can be extracted from them will be best placed for future M&A transactions. ...

If in doubt, get the whitewash out
Insight 11 Oct 2019

The High Court's first decision on the financial assistance prohibition in section 260A of the Corporations Act supports a conservative approach to the prohibition, and in particular highlights the danger of 'taking a view' on the no material prejudice exception. ...

First ACCC merger authorisation – how does it affect you?
Insight 31 Jul 2019

This insight explores the impact of the new ACCC merger authorisation process which has been used for the first time since it was introduced following the Harper Reforms in November 2017. ...

Revised Banking Code of Practice, innovation at the ASX and other corporate law developments
Insight 12 Jul 2019

Revised Banking Code of Practice; innovation at the ASX; and other corporate law developments. ...

Jump Swim in deep water over alleged misleading conduct; new guidelines offer tips for avoiding gun jumping; and ACCC bleats at goat cheese RPM notification.
Insight 27 Jun 2019

The ACCC alleges that Jump Swim's promotional material contained false or misleading representations that prospective Jump Swim School franchisees would have an operational swim school within 12 months of signing a franchise agreement ...

ASIC seeks to restrict stub equity, ACCC's Acacia Ridge rejection overturned and other developments
Insight 17 Jun 2019

ASIC seeks to restrict stub equity in control transactions; ASX reiterates its position on naming counterparties when announcing material transactions; ACCC's Acacia Ridge rejection overturned by Federal Court; and what the Coalition's election win means for employers. ...

