71-80 of 177 results

10 key things you need to know about proposed changes to the Environmental Protection Act 1986 (WA)
Insight 24 Apr 2020

We summarise the 10 (or so) key things you need to know about the reforms proposed in the Environmental Protection Amendment Bill 2020 (WA). ...

NSW Contributions Review Series
Insight 22 Apr 2020

On 15 April 2020 the NSW Government announced two significant developments – a review by the Productivity Commissioner and some more immediate 'system improvements' to be instituted by the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment. ...

WA EPA greenhouse gas emissions guideline finalised
Insight 17 Apr 2020

The Western Australian Environmental Protection Authority ( EPA ) has released its finalised Greenhouse Gas Emissions Environmental Factor Guideline ( GHG Guideline ). The final GHG Guideline dials ...

Major proposed changes to Queensland resources law – the environmental and commercial implications
Insight 14 Feb 2020

New legislation will, if passed, introduce a suite of reforms aimed at mitigating the risks of Queensland resources projects not being rehabilitated, which also have major implications for the sales of such projects. The changes' wide-ranging impact includes tighter criteria for tenement applicants and transferees, and introducing an ability for tenement conditions to be adjusted following a change of control of tenement holders. In particular, potential tenement applicants and purchasers should consider initial due diligence on people and entities that may be considered their associates, so they are prepared to defend any decision in relation to potential disqualification. ...

Proposed changes to NSW Independent Planning Commission – major reform or tweaking around the edges?
Insight 04 Feb 2020

Following a review by the NSW Productivity commission, the NSW Government has announced major reforms to the Independent Planning Commission. However, some are left wondering whether the proposed changes address concerns regarding inefficiency and inconsistency in IPC decision-making. ...

Connected infrastructure
Insight 30 Jan 2020

Both the Sydney population and the population of Melbourne are expected to reach the size of New York City by 2050, raising questions about how our cities of the future will function. ...

Draft South East Queensland Koala Conservation Strategy 2019-2024
Insight 11 Dec 2019

The Draft South East Queensland Koala Conservation Strategy 2019-2024 has been released for public consultation. The Strategy is supported by new koala habitat mapping. The Strategy and mapping have serious implications for landowners in koala habitat areas within a Koala Priority Area, who will be prevented from clearing their land except in very limited circumstances. We discuss these implications below and suggest that, at a minimum, landowners should review the mapping to ascertain whether their land is within a Koala Priority Area. ...

NSW Government to prohibit scope 3 greenhouse gas emissions conditions
Insight 25 Oct 2019

Conditions of development consent regulating scope 3 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions outside Australia will be prohibited under proposed legislation introduced into the NSW Parliament. The draft legislation forms part of a package of measures announced by the Deputy Premier to provide certainty for mining investment, which includes continuing the previously announced review of the Independent Planning Commission (IPC). ...

Latest coal mine decision concludes scope 3 emissions are the end customer's responsibility
Insight 14 Oct 2019

The Rix's Creek Continuation Project has been approved by the NSW Independent Planning Commission only weeks after the refusal of the Bylong Coal Project. In its approval of Rix's Creek, the Commission accepted that scope 3 emissions are the responsibility of the end customer for coal exports. This conclusion significantly departs from the position taken by the differently constituted Commission on Bylong. ...

Climate change features again in latest coal mine refusal
Insight 26 Sep 2019

Last week the NSW Independent Planning Commission (IPC) refused development consent for the Bylong Coal Project (Project). ...

