71-80 of 136 results

Unlocking the potential of distributed energy resources and demand side participation
Insight 28 Jul 2021

The Energy Security Board's (ESB) Post 2025 Market Design Options Paper provides a glimpse into upcoming reforms that aim to release the potential of distributed energy resources to meet current challenges with falling minimum demand and to leverage demand side participation. ...

Changes to FIRB Guidance Notes
Insight 26 Jul 2021

The Australian Government has finalised and released legislation to make major changes to Australia's foreign investment laws – commonly known as the 'FIRB regime' – with effect from 1 January 2021. This Insight summarises the key changes to the FIRB regime. ...

Hydrogen technologies timeline in Australia
Insight 05 Jul 2021

Hydrogen fuel offers Australia a low-emissions, clean, storable energy solution for our future domestic energy needs. Our timeline details major milestones for hydrogen technologies in Australia. ...

Future revenue opportunities anticipated in the Post-2025 National Electricity Market
Insight 18 Jun 2021

The Energy Security Board's Post 2025 Market Design Options Paper provides a peek into a future where the system services required to ensure a stable and secure National Electricity Market are unbundled; creating opportunities for market participants to capitalise on alternative revenue streams. ...

A tale of two courts: are wind farm assets fixtures or chattels?
Insight 09 Jun 2021

Wind farms and other renewable energy sponsors should be aware of two recent decisions of the Supreme Courts of Victoria and New South Wales, which have raised doubt over whether wind farm assets are chattels or fixtures. We briefly explore the key findings of each court and consider some broader repercussions of these decisions for the renewable energy industry. ...

Navigating the energy transition
Insight 09 Jun 2021

Australia is rapidly transitioning away from a centralised, coal-based energy system to one that is more decentralised and focused on renewable energy. This transition is being accompanied by increasing scrutiny of the human rights performance of renewables projects, including new benchmarking and a greater number of complaints. It is critical to know what practical steps to take towards implementing and embedding a strong approach to human rights compliance. ...

Key energy focus areas

Australia's energy market is transforming. This transition is inspiring as we look to a greener energy future, but getting there will involve significant change in terms of regulation, the generation mix and the network infrastructure which underpins the system. ...

The new 'fit-for-purpose' electricity system – four critical reforms
Insight 11 May 2021

The uptake of small and large-scale renewable energy, and the growth of demand-side technologies, has necessitated a new, fit-for-purpose electricity system that can recognise and respond to the changing energy landscape. In this insight, we discuss the key changes from the ESB. ...

Transitioning towards a renewable future
Insight 21 Apr 2021

Achieving the target of net zero remains at the forefront for the energy industry. As we increase investment in renewables and look for ways to improve efficiencies, new challenges emerge. Helpfully, there are a range of mitigation and management strategies that can be put in place to reduce risk and smooth the transition. In this Insight we outline some of those practical steps, including ones specifically geared towards managing or avoiding potential disputes during the development stages of a project. ...

Proposed Design and Place SEPP – creating further complexity in our planning system?
Insight 06 Apr 2021

The Explanation of Intended Effect for the proposed Design and Place SEPP, presently on public exhibition, signals major change to the assessment requirements for all development in NSW. Improving design outcomes in the built environment is important, but will the proposed SEPP be the right vehicle to achieve this objective, or will it add another layer to an already complex planning system? ...

