821-830 of 848 results

Will ASIC shift its regulatory focus from disclosure to suitability?
Insight 04 Jun 2014

The Financial System Inquiry inevitably the Murray Inquiry is the successor of the Campbell Inquiry 1979-1981 and the Wallis Inquiry 1996-1997 Both the Campbell and Wallis reports considered that investors were best protected through disclosure and market integrity rules Both reports assumed that ...

What does 1 July 2014 mean under FoFA?
Insight 04 Jun 2014

For most people working in the financial services industry it would be unwise to let 1 July come and go without asking what will change In 2014 as in 2012 and 2013 1 July is a very significant date under FoFA the Future of Financial Advice ...

Final version of Metropolitan Planning Strategy released
Insight 23 May 2014

Following consultation and feedback a final version of the Metropolitan Planning Strategy known as Plan Melbourne has been launched While the focus of Plan Melbourne continues to be on employment cluster locations and urban renewal opportunities there is also a renewed focus in the final document on ...

Rural leasehold in Queensland now more attractive for investors
Insight 21 May 2014

New legislation in Queensland that implements a range of reforms for leasehold land has been passed and will commence on a day to be fixed by proclamation The reforms will provide greater security of tenure for rural leaseholders and are likely to make such leases more attractive to investors ...

'One stop shop' environmental approvals a step closer in Queensland and NSW
Insight 19 May 2014

A one stop shop for Commonwealth and state environmental approvals in Queensland and New South Wales is a step closer with the release of draft Approval Bilateral Agreements If implemented as planned Queensland and New South Wales will each become responsible for assessing and approving projects for ...

Confirmation of FATCA Status of Australian Superannuation Funds
Insight 16 May 2014

The Intergovernmental Agreement between Australia and the United States in relation to the implementation of the FATCA regime has been signed. ...

National Partnership Agreement on Asset Recycling
Insight 14 May 2014

The National Partnership Agreement on Asset Recycling between the Commonwealth and each of the states and territories firmly entrenches asset recycling for the next five years at least In last nights Budget the Federal Budget announced 5 billion will be made available to fund payments to the states ...

Changes to infrastructure planning and charging in Queensland
Insight 14 May 2014

A new infrastructure planning and charging framework for Queensland has been proposed by the State Government Special Counsel Rosanne Meurling and Senior Associate Michael Zissis report on the changes to be introduced by the new framework ...

Property Occupations Act passed
Insight 07 May 2014

New legislation that deals with property transactions in Queensland will have major implications on the sale process of residential property and the licensing of agents Partner Alister Fitzgerald and Senior Associate Annabelle Aland report on the main changes ...

Key superannuation reforms deferred to 1 July 2015
Insight 05 May 2014

The Federal Government has today announced that the start date for portfolio holdings disclosure reporting and choice product dashboard requirements will be deferred until 1 July 2015 to allow it further time to consult on the detail of the requirements Partner Geoff Sanders and Lawyer Stephanie ...

