841-850 of 1057 results

Third parties are no bar to arbitration: A win for arbitration?
Insight 07 May 2015

The Supreme Court of New South Wales has confirmed in a recent case that the impact of any dispute on third parties will generally not determine its arbitrability which rather will be determined on the proper construction of the arbitration agreement Partner Nick Rudge Senior Associate Alex Price ...

The rise of 'robo advice'
Insight 06 May 2015

Robo advice is another one of these phrases that we are suddenly seeing everywhere The idea offers some exciting opportunities for advice providers What are the regulatory issues And how can lawyers help ...

Attribution MITs - why try to fix something that wasn't broken?
Insight 06 May 2015

The exposure draft Bill for the taxation of 'attribution managed investment trusts' has been received with much derision. We consider the key implications ...

Protecting the financial system from cross-border contagion
Insight 06 May 2015

In the aftermath of the global financial crisis governments and regulators have been busy identifying ways to better protect the financial system from future shocks Among these are measures for arming financial regulators with a more comprehensive crisis management toolkit Of particular concern are ...

Review of Card Payments Regulation
Insight 06 May 2015

The level of public interest and popular support for regulation targeting excessive surcharging makes card payment regulation likely to be one of the first areas of reform following the publication of the Final Report of the Financial System Inquiry the FSI Report ...

Significant 'blow' for penalties claims
Insight 08 Apr 2015

Today the Full Federal Court clarified the law of penalties as it applies to fees The key development is that in considering whether the amount of a fee is extravagant and exorbitant compared to the potential costs incurred in dealing with a failure to perform an obligation the court held that ...

Class Action Insights
Insight 07 Apr 2015

The recent settlement of the Great Southern class action raises a number of interesting and important issues not only because the court took the unusual step of publishing its reasons for judgment after the settlement had been announced ...

Australia implements expanded sanctions against Russia
Insight 02 Apr 2015

Australia has imposed sector-wide prohibitions on a range of imports to exports from and commercial activities with Russia Crimea and Sevastopol Partner Rachel Nicolson Associate Andrew Wilcock and Law Graduate Alice Crawford report on how these sanctions will impact on companies engaged in business ...

ASIC highlights importance of cyber resilience
Insight 01 Apr 2015

Key cyber risks faced by ASICs regulated population as well as the legal and compliance obligations to manage those risks are highlighted in a new ASIC report ASIC also identifies steps entities can take to address the risks The report marks a growing focus on cyber security issues by ASIC which is ...

The fintech phenomenon - risks and opportunities
Insight 01 Apr 2015

Everyone is talking about fintech What is it And what does it mean for the financial services industry and for regulation ...

