81-90 of 91 results

Penalties: The final word
Insight 27 Jul 2016

The High Court decision in Paciocco v Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited, provides welcome clarity on the application of the 'penalties rule' implicating a broad range of sectors. ...

Court refuses to approve class action settlement
Insight 12 Apr 2016

In a recent Federal Court decision Justice Murphy refused to approve the settlement agreement between the parties to the Willmott class action finding that the terms of the settlement were not fair and reasonable ...

Class actions: A ten year survey
Insight 28 May 2015

Class action risk has become a major issue for boards senior management and general counsel A key question often asked in that context is whether the changing nature of the class actions landscape poses an increasing area of risk for Australian corporates ...

Class Action Insights
Insight 07 Apr 2015

The recent settlement of the Great Southern class action raises a number of interesting and important issues not only because the court took the unusual step of publishing its reasons for judgment after the settlement had been announced ...

Babcock & Brown - a market disclosure claim decided
Insight 10 Mar 2015

The Federal Court has dismissed shareholders claims against Babcock Brown alleging failure to disclose market sensitive information The court made important findings on the scope of listed entities continuous disclosure obligations in the context of accounting irregularities and potential insolvency ...

Finality: an important objective of class actions
Insight 12 Feb 2015

The recent Great Southern class action settlement included a term by which group members acknowledged and admitted that loans taken out with independent financiers to finance investments in Great Southern managed investment schemes were valid and enforceable Two separate Victorian Supreme Court ...

More limits on lawyer-driven litigation
Insight 01 Dec 2014

Following a decision earlier this year preventing a solicitor from acting in a class action in which the solicitor managed and controlled the representative plaintiff the Victorian Supreme Court has held that a solicitor and senior counsel should be prevented from acting in a class action in which ...

Court takes an expansive view of threshold requirement for class actions against multiple respondents
Insight 08 Sep 2014

A representative proceeding can only be commenced where seven or more group members have claims against the same person In proceedings with multiple respondents there has been conflicting authority as to whether each group member is required to have a claim against each respondent Last week in Cash ...

Class Action Insights
Insight 08 Aug 2014

In recent months the funding of class actions has been prominent in the legal press The issues canvassed have included the regulation of third party funders the case for and against lawyers charging contingency fees attempts by lawyers to establish third party funding vehicles the Productivity ...

The limits of lawyer-driven litigation
Insight 24 Jul 2014

A recent VSC decision has examined the limits on entrepreneurship by securities class action lawyers ...

