81-90 of 143 results

Finding focus – ACCC makes another move on disclosure of data practices
Insight 01 Nov 2019

In a trail-blazing and world-leading move, the ACCC has commenced proceedings against Google, alleging that it engaged in misleading conduct, and made false or misleading representations to consumers about how and when it collects, keeps and uses their personal information in relation to location data. It is the first case brought globally to probe Google's approach to location data collection, and is likely to increase the focus on consumer awareness of data use in digital markets. ...

Right here, right now; the CDR regime is live
Insight 02 Aug 2019

The Consumer Data Right Act has been passed by Federal Parliament bringing with it significant changes for legal, risk and compliance teams operating in the finance, banking, energy and telco sectors ...

ACCC calls for significant reforms in Digital Platforms Inquiry Final Report (Part II): A platform for sweeping privacy reform
Insight 31 Jul 2019

The ACCC has called for significant reforms in Digital platforms to strengthen privacy protections for individuals and to improve transparency and accountability In data handling practices for both digital platforms and other organisations regulated by the Privacy Act 1998. ...

ASIC's proposed market integrity rules for technological and operational resilience could impose far-reaching obligations
Insight 23 Jul 2019

The COAG Energy Council Hydrogen Working Group continues its work on the National Hydrogen Strategy, with the release of its issues papers series. The nine papers are a fascinating look at the breadth, depth and interwoven nature of the issues facing hydrogen. ...

Would you like financial services with your social network? Facebook consortium to launch new cryptocurrency
Insight 09 Jul 2019

In a bold new play, a consortium led by social media giant Facebook has announced plans to enter the financial services sector through the launch of a cryptocurrency called Libra. Both a currency and a blockchain backed payment system, the project could have a profound impact on the financial servic ...

The hack back: The legality of retaliatory hacking
Insight 17 Oct 2018

In circumstances where government departments and law enforcement agencies are unable or unwilling to effectively respond to cybercrime, organisations are increasingly questioning whether or not they have or ought to have a a right to 'hack back' as an offensive retaliatory measure. ...

A global snapshot of data breach class actions
Insight 17 Oct 2018

While we are yet to see a successful data breach class action in Australia, data breach class actions have become all too real for many major companies overseas ...

Where are all the data breach class actions in Australia?
Insight 17 Oct 2018

Class actions arising out of data breaches have been common in the US for some time but in Australia were yet to see a plaintiff bring such an action successfully In some ways this is unsurprising Despite the fact that data breaches are now commonplace and that class action law firms are ...

Dealing in data: cybersecurity in an M&A context
Insight 17 Oct 2018

The cyber resilience of companies and their history of data breaches is increasingly having a significant impact on the headline price post-completion deal value and risk-allocation profile of MA transactions With the notifiable data-breach scheme and the GDPR taking effect earlier this year there ...

