81-90 of 161 results

Controversial encryption legislation passed
Insight 10 Dec 2018

The Governments highly controversial encryption legislation was hastily passed through Parliament last week making it the first legislation of its kind globally Partner Valeska Bloch and Paralegal Sophie Peach report ...

New APRA prudential standard raises bar for information security obligations and incident notification requirements
Insight 15 Nov 2018

As companies and regulators across the world grapple with ever-increasing cyber security threats, Australia's financial services regulator, APRA, has released the final form of a new prudential standard, which imposes heigtened security obligations for APRA-regulated entities ...

Vietnam - draft cybersecurity regulation released
Insight 13 Nov 2018

Following the passing of the controversial Cybersecurity Law in June the Ministry of Public Security recently released for public consultation a draft decree providing detailed guidance on this law The draft contains a number of important clarifications of the localisation requirements applicable to ...

The hack back: The legality of retaliatory hacking
Insight 17 Oct 2018

In circumstances where government departments and law enforcement agencies are unable or unwilling to effectively respond to cybercrime, organisations are increasingly questioning whether or not they have or ought to have a a right to 'hack back' as an offensive retaliatory measure. ...

A global snapshot of data breach class actions
Insight 17 Oct 2018

While we are yet to see a successful data breach class action in Australia, data breach class actions have become all too real for many major companies overseas ...

Where are all the data breach class actions in Australia?
Insight 17 Oct 2018

Class actions arising out of data breaches have been common in the US for some time but in Australia were yet to see a plaintiff bring such an action successfully In some ways this is unsurprising Despite the fact that data breaches are now commonplace and that class action law firms are ...

Dealing in data: cybersecurity in an M&A context
Insight 17 Oct 2018

The cyber resilience of companies and their history of data breaches is increasingly having a significant impact on the headline price post-completion deal value and risk-allocation profile of MA transactions With the notifiable data-breach scheme and the GDPR taking effect earlier this year there ...

Yahoo continues to pay the price for its 2014 data breach
Insight 17 Oct 2018

Yahoo has recently come under fire from both the United States Securities and Exchange Commission and the United Kingdom Information Commissioners Office for delays in the disclosure to investors of its 2014 data breach. ...

Data breaches in the healthcare sector: the reality, the costs and how to prevent them
Insight 17 Oct 2018

Data breaches are disproportionately common in the health sector Whats more it is the only sector that has a higher rate of data breaches caused by internal factors such as employee carelessness or misbehaviour than by external threats Health sector data breaches are enabled it seems by the ...

You asked, they listened (mostly) - Treasury's proposed revisions to the Consumer Data Right Bill
Insight 12 Oct 2018

On 24 September Treasury released for public consultation its revised version of the exposure draft legislation that will give effect to the new Consumer Data Right CDR in Australia Reflecting feedback from public consultation on the first tranche of draft legislation that was released on 15 August ...

