81-90 of 254 results

Recovering settlement amounts arising from misconduct of an employee and setting off against statutory entitlements
Insight 02 Jun 2021

The Full Federal Court of Australia has decided that an employer could not only recover amounts paid to settle proceedings arising from the misconduct of a former CEO, but could also set off those amounts against the statutory entitlements that were owed to that individual upon their dismissal. ...

How should employers respond to psychological risk?
Insight 02 Jun 2021

A recent decision of the County Court of Victoria highlights the complexities around management of psychological health and the scope of an employer's duty of care. ...

FWC upholds mandatory jab again
Insight 02 Jun 2021

The Fair Work Commission (FWC) has handed down two further decisions upholding the dismissal of employees in the aged care industry after they refused to comply with mandatory influenza vaccination directions. ...

NSW takes a further step towards an industrial manslaughter offence
Insight 02 Jun 2021

On 5 May 2021 the NSW Government introduced the Work Health and Safety Amendment (Industrial Manslaughter) Bill 2021 (the Bill), in a further step towards creating an industrial manslaughter offence in the state. ...

Pilot grounded after 65th birthday
Insight 02 Jun 2021

A pilot successfully stopped Qantas from implementing its decision to terminate his employment after he lodged a complaint with the Australian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) alleging age discrimination. ...

WA director jailed for workplace fatality
Insight 27 May 2021

A small business owner in Western Australia has become the first individual sentenced to imprisonment under the state's work health and safety (WHS) laws following the death of one worker and serious injury of another. The company has also been fined a total of $605,000 for gross negligence and for breaching safety regulations. ...

High Court confirms no right of entry without permit
Insight 07 May 2021

The High Court has refused to allow an appeal against a Full Federal Court decision that union officials must hold a valid federal right of entry permit when entering sites under state work health and safety (WHS) laws. ...

Right place, wrong time: when is an employee's injury connected to their employment?
Insight 07 May 2021

The Full Court of the Federal Court has confirmed that to determine whether an employee's injury arose out of or in the course of their employment, the full circumstances of the injury must be taken into account, including the 'place' at which the injury occurred and the 'activity' undertaken at the time. ...

Superannuation rate increase
Insight 07 May 2021

The Superannuation Guarantee rate is scheduled to increase from 9.5% to 10% on 1 July 2021, although a final decision will be made in the May 2021 Budget. ...

Worker not immune to job loss
Insight 07 May 2021

The Fair Work Commission (FWC) has upheld the dismissal of an employee who refused to comply with a mandatory influenza vaccine policy, however made the observation that this decision turned on the facts of this particular case and the industry in which the employee worked. ...

