81-90 of 454 results

Australian Infrastructure Investment report 2021
Insight 03 Aug 2021

With governments laying out record spending on infrastructure as a source of stimulus, we are at a critical moment. Understanding how investors’ priorities have shifted and addressing barriers to investment is crucial to leveraging private capital through Australia’s economic recovery from COVID-19. ...

PE Horizons 2021: market update
Insight 02 Aug 2021

With strategic bidders and foreign government acquirers on the side lines, 2021 may be the busiest ever for PE dealmakers ...

In Touch: ACCC to scrutinise online marketplaces; Epic Games' case to be heard in Australia; and other developments
Insight 29 Jul 2021

ACCC vs SmileDirectClub for false and misleading statements; Australian Vending Buying Association allowed to collectively negotiate with goods suppliers; Epic Games proceedings against Apple to be heard in Australia; Lorna Jane ordered to pay $5 million in penalties; ACCC to examine online marketplaces; NZCC institutes cartel proceedings against consumer loan provider Moola. ...

In Touch: Multiple Federal Court rulings on unconscionable conduct and false and misleading representations; and other developments
Insight 14 Jul 2021

Brownes Dairy's non-compliance with Dairy Code; Captain Cook College acted unconscionably; Nine Entertainment Co pays penalties; proposed ACCC authorisation of Country Press Australia collective bargaining agreement; Federal Court orders $1.2 million penalty on Sumo; and Geowash appeal dismissed ...

In Touch: new motor vehicle service and repair information laws speed through Parliament; and other developments
Insight 24 Jun 2021

Grape Co; new motor vehicle service and repair information laws; Dye & Durham's acquisition of GlobalX; university competition law exemption; digiDirect; Woolworths' acquisition of shares in PFD Food Services ...

Privately Sourced Financing of NSW’s Infrastructure

Webinar: Privately Sourced Financing of NSW’s Infrastructure ...

Long-awaited regulations implementing Vietnam's PPP Law have now been issued
Insight 29 Apr 2021

Vietnam's long awaited regulations have now been issued in the form of Decree 35/2021/ND-CP detailing and guiding implementation of the PPP Law (Decree 35) and Decree 28/2021/ND-CP on financial management mechanism of PPP projects (Decree 28) on 26 March 2021 (collectively, the Decrees). ...

