81-90 of 554 results

Sustainable procurement: five tips to manage ESG risk in your supply chain contracts
Insight 30 May 2022

Suppliers and service providers are a critical input into an organisation's ESG footprint, with supply chain contracts offering a key opportunity for businesses to realise their ESG goals. We provide our top tips on how businesses can optimise their supply chain contracts to meet ESG objectives. ...

In Touch: ACCC Chair calls for collaboration among regulators across the globe; and other developments
Insight 19 May 2022

The ACCC moo-ving to enforce compliance with the Dairy Code On 9 May, the ACCC updated its guidance for the Dairy Code of Conduct ahead of the new dairy season and the upcoming 1 June deadline for ...

High Court relieves anxiety with key patent decision
Insight 05 May 2022

In the latest in Australia's longest-running pharmaceutical patent term extension litigation, the High Court has found Sandoz infringed a patent, owned by Lundbeck, for a drug used to treat anxiety and depression, by selling generic products during an extended term of the patent ...

Intellectual Property rights in wartime
Insight 05 May 2022

As Russia's war on Ukraine continues to cause mass devastation to the country and its people, the response of much of the Western world, including Australia, has been to impose a series of economic sanctions against the Kremlin. ...

Parking threats of patent infringement proceedings: UbiPark v TMA Capital Australia
Insight 05 May 2022

Recently, Justice Moshinsky of the Federal Court granted an interlocutory injunction to restrain a patentee from making further threats of infringement proceedings against the customers and potential customers of an entity against whom the patentee had already made threats. Historically, interlocuto ...

'Oh why' did you copy me? 'Oh I' did no such thing - the UK High Court rules in favour of Ed Sheeran in copyright dispute
Insight 05 May 2022

The UK High Court has ruled in favour of Ed Sheeran in a copyright dispute concerning his hit song 'Shape of You'. The court held that Ed Sheeran had not, deliberately or subconsciously, copied the hook of an earlier song, 'Oh Why'. We consider this fascinating decision in more detail below. ...

Update on computer-implemented inventions
Insight 05 May 2022

Digital technologies are shaping the future. Yet, in Australia, a series of Federal Court and Australia Patent Office decisions have not upheld the patentability of computer-implemented inventions. It's hoped the High Court's Aristocrat decision will provide greater certainty for software and ...

ACCC delivers bitter pill on patent settlement
Insight 05 May 2022

The ACCC proposes to deny authorisation for a patent litigation settlement between Celgene and two generic drug companies. The decision demonstrates a hardening of the ACCC’s views against patent settlements that seek to place restrictions on market participants. ...

Everything you need to know about cyber risks, resilience and responsibilities
Insight 02 May 2022

Organisations today are both blessed and cursed with extraordinary amounts of data. The responsibility for information security and data governance starts and ends with the board and senior management. We offer a handbook to help navigate duties and liabilities and a checklist of questions directors should be asking. ...

Just in time: the full spectrum of amendments to the Security of Critical Infrastructure regime now passed
Insight 22 Apr 2022

The final anticipated amendments to the Security of Critical Infrastructure Act 2018 (Cth) (SOCI Act) have been passed in the nick of time, making their way through the Senate in its last sitting before the 2022 Federal Election. These latest amendments introduce new and enhanced obligations for risk management programs and security respectively, and the concept of ‘systems of national significance’. ...

