961-970 of 2868 results

Pandemic caused stoppage of work, says Federal Court in Qantas stand down dispute
Insight 16 Nov 2020

The Federal Court has confirmed that government restrictions on travel and quarantine measures stemming from the COVID-19 pandemic caused a stoppage of work for the purpose of stand downs initiated by Qantas and Jetstar under their enterprise agreements. ...

Federal court awards largest ever adverse action payout
Insight 16 Nov 2020

A senior employee was awarded $5.2m after he was dismissed, with the Federal Court deciding his employer took adverse action against him and hence breached his employment contract. ...

Western Australia's WHS Act to introduce industrial manslaughter laws
Insight 16 Nov 2020

Western Australia has joined the harmonised work health and safety (WHS) regime, in line with New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, the Northern Territory and Tasmania. Victoria will continue to operate under a separate regime. The Work Health and Safety Act 2019 (WA) (the Act) passed through the Legislative Assembly on 3 November 2020. ...

Government introduces the Financial Sector Reform (Hayne Royal Commission Response) Bill 2020
Insight 13 Nov 2020

The government yesterday introduced into Parliament the Financial Sector Reform (Hayne Royal Commission Response) Bill 2020 to implement a large number of the Hayne Royal Commission recommendations. Many provisions have a start date of 1 January 2021, and some don't have a transition period. ...

Down-scheduling CBD and growing Australia's cannabis industry
Insight 10 Nov 2020

The Therapeutics Goods Administration is proposing amendments to the Poisons Standard to permit pharmacists to sell low-dose cannabidiol (CBD) products without a prescription. Businesses intending to import, manufacture and supply cannabis products in the Australian market should monitor these developments closely. ...

Build-to-rent: stimulating recovery, ensuring resilience
Insight 10 Nov 2020

Build-to-Rent (BTR) helps drive economic productivity, and with the right government intervention, could not only play a key role in Australia’s economic recovery from COVID-19, but also ensure the future liveability and resilience of our cities. ...

Foreign influence – from education to enforcement
Insight 09 Nov 2020

A heightened risk of foreign interference and a shift towards enforcement of the new foreign influence and interference legislation means it is now critical to consider any compliance risks your business may face. ...

Privacy Act Review – what you need to know
Insight 04 Nov 2020

We consider the key implications arising from the Attorney-General's long-awaited review of the Privacy Act - a key part of the Government's response to the ACCC's Digital Platforms Inquiry. The review seeks to strengthen privacy protections for individuals and streamline compliance for businesses working across international borders. ...

Nucleus – corporate law developments: ASIC concludes stub equity consultation; FIRB amending legislation introduced; FIRB updates guidance on tax conditions; proposal to make electronic signing and virtual meetings permanent; and other corporate law developments
Insight 02 Nov 2020

ASIC concludes position on use of stub equity in control transactions; ASX extends emergency class waivers and clarifies ability to ratify use of additional placement capacity; FIRB amending legislation introduced to Parliament; FIRB updates guidance on tax conditions; ACCC to examine competition in mobile apps; Fair Work Commission extends temporary COVID-19 flexibilities in 99 modern awards; Federal Government proposes to make electronic signing and virtual meetings permanent. ...

Copyright in the Aboriginal flag
Insight 30 Oct 2020

A Senate Select Committee established to look into the flag's copyright and licensing arrangements recently rejected an approach that would that would see the Government compulsorily acquire the copyright of an Aboriginal artist. ...

