101-105 of 105 results

Vietnam Laws
Sectors & Services

Allens is a leading international law firm in Vietnam. We have acted on some of Vietnam's most important large-scale projects and commercial transactions and are there to help client navigate through the risks and opportunities of the market. ...

Vietnamese legal translations
Sectors & Services

Allens is a leading international law firm in Vietnam. We have acted on some of Vietnam's most important large-scale projects and commercial transactions and are there to help client navigate through the risks and opportunities of the market. ...

Virtual Data Rooms
Sectors & Services

We provide virtual data room services to assist organisations to govern their most crucial information and processes for deals and transaction management, compliance and procurement. ...

Sectors & Services

日本語でのお問合せ先 Tel: +61 3 9613 8640 japanservices@allens.com.au English site 日本とオーストラリアは、重要な貿易パートナーから基本的価値を共有しアジア太平洋地域の安定と経済発展に協力して取り組む戦略的パートナーへと変遷を遂げ、両国の関係を強めています。 日本からアジア太平洋地域への投資は継続して増加しており、オーストラリアにおいては従来の資源エネルギー分野から再生可能エネルギー、運輸、サービス分野を含む ...

Sectors & Services

中文咨询请发邮件至: ChinaGroup@allens.com.au English site 安德慎律师事务所是一家领先的国际性商业律师事务所,并在澳洲和亚洲设有办公室。安德慎有着200年的悠久历史和卓越的声望。我们服务于多家全球领先机构 ,其中包括75家澳大利亚100强公司。客户获益于我们针对复杂项目提供的创新方案、专业技能、商业视角和职业精神。 我们的中国业务团队在中国企业向澳洲和亚洲投资中提供法律服务有着丰富的经验。 ...
