11-20 of 104 results

Sectors & Services

We have been providing legal services to our clients in Asia for more than 30 years. Allens offers one of the most comprehensive legal networks in Australia and Asia. Our network includes Australia, Singapore, Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City and ...

Asset Finance
Sectors & Services

How we can help Allens’ structured and asset finance specialists advise on the structuring of new products, including receivables finance, principle and agency, borrowing-base and other forms of receivables finance. Advising on the most ...

Banking & Finance
Sectors & Services

An ever-evolving array of finance options, and the entrance of new offshore and institutional lenders, present challenges in keeping on top of market positions and understanding which stand-alone or multi-sourced finance solution will ...

Banks & Financial Institutions
Sectors & Services

Collaborating for economic stability Banks and financial institutions are playing a critical role in stabilising Australia's economy in the midst of global uncertainty – they are providing financial resilience at a time of significant ...

Batteries & Storage
Sectors & Services

A backbone of the energy transition Energy storage technology – including batteries and pumped hydro – will play a fundamental part in Australia's energy transition. In addition to their ability to help overcome network challenges ...

Biotech & Health
Sectors & Services

As governments and private corporations increasingly recognise the benefits of investing in this dynamic and fast growing industry, specialist legal services have become far more important to organisations at all stages of their ...

Business & Human Rights
Sectors & Services

Identify, manage and mitigate business human rights risk It is expected that all companies will respect human rights. We are seeing fast-paced development of international standards and domestic laws on business human rights, and close ...

Business Investigations
Sectors & Services

Internal workplace investigations are on the rise due to increased regulatory obligations and expectations.  Maintaining a strong corporate culture of compliance with both the law and company policy largely relies on the proactive and ...

Capital Markets
Sectors & Services

Whether through equity raisings or debt issuances, we help our clients secure capital to support the funding of major projects, the execution of their strategic plans and the growth of their business. ...

China Group
Sectors & Services

General enquiries in Chinese: ChinaGroup@allens.com.au 中文网站 Allens is a leading international law firm with offices throughout Australia and Asia. With 200 years of commercial practice experience, we have a distinguished reputation. We ...
