Demand for longer term debt continues to increase in line with the myriad of finance structures and lenders available to finance projects.
This presents both a challenge and an opportunity for all interested parties who are active in, or otherwise exploring, the Australian projects and infrastructure market.
How we can help
Allens offers experience across a mixture of debt sources, including commercial and policy banks, offshore and institutional lenders and export credit agencies, and we act for the full range of parties to project financings, including financiers, borrowers, sponsors, government, advisers and suppliers.
We know how to structure transactions that meet the needs of financiers, and to identify and resolve issues that could potentially delay or break deals. Our clients benefit from our understanding of alternative sources of funding and our ability to work closely with their financial advisers.
$11 billion Melbourne Metro PPP
Advised the financiers to the Cross Yarra Partnership on the successful close of the Metro Tunnel Package and related packages of this city-changing project for Melbourne.
$2.4 billion New Royal Adelaide Hospital PPP restructuring and refinancing
Advised on the original project financing, and subsequent refinancing and restructure, of the $2.4 billion New Royal Adelaide Hospital PPP.
Snowy Hydro 2.0 Expansion Scheme
Advised on the multi-sourced financing of the $4.15 billion Snowy Hydro 2.0 Expansion Scheme, Australia's most significant current pumped hydro project.
Kwinana Waste-to-Energy Facility
Advised on the project financing of the Kwinana Waste-to-Energy project, the first commercial scale energy-from-waste facility in Australia and 2018 Project Finance International Clean Energy Deal of the Year.
$9.3 billion sale of WestConnex
Advised on the sale by the New South Wales Government of a 51% stake in Australia's largest road infrastructure project, which won Project Finance International's Infra Deal of the Year for 2018.
$3 billion Wiggins Island Coal Export Terminal
Advised the lenders on the $3.5 billion funding of Queensland's first user-funded coal terminal, the Wiggins Island Coal Export Terminal. We subsequently advised on the restructuring and refinancing of its debt financing package.
US$9 billion Nghi Son Refinery & Petrochemical Project
Advised on all legal aspects of the financing of the development of the US$9 billion Nghi Son Refinery & Petrochemical Project in Vietnam.
Image Resources’ $50 million Boonanarring zircon mineral sands project
Advised on the project financing of the Boonanarring zircon mineral sands project, part of Image Resources NL's North Perth Basin Mineral Sands Project, which represents one of the highest-grade mineral sands resources under evaluation worldwide.
$1 billion Victorian Comprehensive Cancer Centre PPP
Advised the sponsor on the successful $1 billion bid for the Victorian Comprehensive Cancer Centre PPP and its subsequent USPP and bank refinancing, the first long-term bond financing for PPPs in Australia since the Global Financial Crisis.
$1.65 billion Sydney Desalination Plant refinancing
Advised on the original privatisation, and subsequent $1.65 billion refinancing, of the project debt facilities and syndicated bank debt facilities - one of the largest Samurai loan financings in the Australian market.
$2-3 billion Powering Australian Renewables Fund
Advised on the establishment of Australia's first renewables fund to enable co-investment by institutional fund investors into large scale greenfield renewables projects, including the Broken Hill and Nyngan Solar Facilities, Silverton Wind Farm and Coopers Gap Wind Farm.
AirTrunk's flagship, hyper-scale data centres
Advised ING and Natixis as financiers on the project financing to fund the construction of AirTrunk's flagship, hyper-scale data centres in Sydney and Melbourne to warehouse data for global tech giants such as Google.