2311-2320 of 4135 results

Latest coal mine decision concludes scope 3 emissions are the end customer's responsibility
Insight 14 Oct 2019

The Rix's Creek Continuation Project has been approved by the NSW Independent Planning Commission only weeks after the refusal of the Bylong Coal Project. In its approval of Rix's Creek, the Commission accepted that scope 3 emissions are the responsibility of the end customer for coal exports. This conclusion significantly departs from the position taken by the differently constituted Commission on Bylong. ...

Vale restitution? The High Court clarifies remedies available to construction contractors following termination for repudiation
Insight 14 Oct 2019

In a welcome decision for principals engaging contractors for construction work, the High Court has substantially limited the availability of the restitutionary remedy of a quantum meruit where a contractor elects to terminate a contract as a consequence of repudiation. ...

If in doubt, get the whitewash out
Insight 11 Oct 2019

The High Court's first decision on the financial assistance prohibition in section 260A of the Corporations Act supports a conservative approach to the prohibition, and in particular highlights the danger of 'taking a view' on the no material prejudice exception. ...

Cartel Confessions: the latest Cartel Immunity Policy commences
Insight 09 Oct 2019

ACCC's new Cartel Immunity and Corporation Policy which came into effect on 1 October 2019, now excludes concerted practices and requires a higher level of cooperation from parties seeking to obtain cartel immunity. ...

Report: National Electricity & Gas Rules Update: September 2019
Insight 01 Oct 2019

In this update we summarise the progress of new and existing rule change requests across the months of July and August and take a closer look at the AER's review into the values of customer reliability. ...

All that glistens isn't Goldsky – key learnings from the ASIC v Goldsky decision
Insight 01 Oct 2019

The recent case of ASIC v Goldsky Global Access Fund raises a number of compelling questions (some of which we explore below), and fund managers would do well not to place too much stock in the judgment in support of arguments that a trustee of a wholesale fund may act as trustee with the benefit of ...

Inducements in the corporate superannuation sector – guidance misses the mark
Insight 01 Oct 2019

There are considerable problems with some guidance that was published a few months ago on section 68A ('no treating of employers') of the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993. Michael Mathieson and Ally Crowther report. ...

The Launches and Returns Act: one of the most significant updates to the Space Activities Act since its implementation
Insight 26 Sep 2019

On 31 August 2018, the Space Activities Act 1998 (Cth) (Space Activities Act) was amended by the Space Activities Amendment (Launches & Return) Act 2018 (Cth). ...

Climate change features again in latest coal mine refusal
Insight 26 Sep 2019

Last week the NSW Independent Planning Commission (IPC) refused development consent for the Bylong Coal Project (Project). ...
