1131-1140 of 4171 results

Government intervention in the domestic gas market—2023 Draft ADGSM Guidelines
Insight 17 Feb 2023

As part of its proposed package of reforms to respond to increased gas prices and a forecast shortfall of gas supply on the east coast of Australia, the Australian Government has fast-tracked amendments to the Australian Domestic Gas Security Mechanism (ADGSM). ...

Future Directions: the ESB's vision for Transmission Access Reform
Insight 16 Feb 2023

We provide a snapshot of the 'hybrid model' and explore how the ESB will work with Energy Ministers and stakeholders to finally agree upon, and implement, the reforms needed for this complex and critical piece of the energy transition puzzle. ...

ChatGPT in law: unlocking new opportunities while managing the risks
Insight 15 Feb 2023

As legal professionals around the globe settle into another year of work, they have been confronted by a new existential threat from OpenAI's much discussed AI chatbot, ChatGPT. Many lawyers have been asking similar questions: will my job exist this time next year? How accurate is it at answering th ...

Allens advises ConnectEast on EastLink Tollway refinancing
News 14 Feb 2023

Comprising a combination of short-medium term bank debt and long dated 10 year institutional term loan debt with bank and non-bank institutions, the refinancing debt was successfully raised against ...

Is two better than one? A look at dual scheme of arrangement and takeover bid structures
Insight 13 Feb 2023

The recent contest for control of Nitro Software Limited has thrust the strategy of concurrent scheme of arrangement and 'fall back' takeover bid structures back into the spotlight. We unpack it in our insight. ...

Allens advises financiers on Australia's largest renewable portfolio financing to date
News 13 Feb 2023

The firm advised the syndicate on an innovative portfolio debt financing package that will see Squadron Energy become Australia’s largest renewable energy investor, operator and developer, with an ...

Quality of Advice Review final report - a snapshot
Insight 09 Feb 2023

We provide an overview of the recommendations and implications for industry. If fully implemented, the changes would be the most radical overhaul of the financial advice laws since FoFA. ...

Regulating crypto – token mapping consultation paper hints at future licensing regime
Insight 08 Feb 2023

The Australian Government published its consultation paper Token Mapping. In this Insight, we provide an overview of the Government's proposed approach and how it will impact regulatory reform in the crypto-asset sector. ...

ESG class actions
Insight 08 Feb 2023

As these actions grow in prominence overseas, and make their way to Australian shores, all sectors need to be aware of their strategies to mitigate litigation risk whilst keeping a clear eye on present and future trends. ...

Allens advises JANA on transition to full management ownership
News 06 Feb 2023

Under the deal, JANA's management has acquired Insignia's 45 per cent shareholding, having acquired a 55 per cent share of the business from MLC Wealth (subsequently acquired by Insignia Financial) ...
