1-10 of 35 results
Shareholder activism: reflections on the current and future landscape
Last year was another big year one for shareholder activists globally, with investor sentiment in 2024 taking its cues from the disruption experienced across the broader economic and geopolitical landscape. Closer to home, activity was more stable in Australia—as it typically is, owing to our smalle ...
Corporate governance essentials – directors' duties and emerging risks
Covered in this webinar: Further information on topics and speakers will be released in the new year. ...
New cyber incident response obligations for Australian organisations
The Australian Government implemented a suite of reforms to strengthen cyber security laws in Australia through the following Bills: the Cyber Security Bill 2024 (the Cyber Security Bill ); the ...
Defending from within: a guide to insider threat management
More than 35% of all cyber events globally originate inside an organisation—either as a result of error or misuse. This number is growing. ...
Mandatory climate-related financial reporting is here: preparing for 1 January 2025
On 12 January 2024, the Federal Government released the exposure draft of the Treasury Laws Amendment Bill: Climate-related financial disclosure. In this Insight, we explain key elements of the Draft Legislation, including areas of uncertainty that have been raised in submissions to government. ...
ASX crackdown on investor presentations: a timely reminder for companies presenting at upcoming mining conferences
Entities should consider the ASX's new compliance update cracking down on the content contained in investor presentations, specifically in the mining sector. We provide a short summary of the ASX Guidance to help those involved in preparing investor presentations for upcoming mining conferences. ...
Nature-related risks should be at the top of the boardroom agenda: key steps directors should take to manage these risks
Nature-related risks and opportunities have fast become a hot topic of discussion in Australian boardrooms. Investors have warned that boards and executives need to be upskilled on nature-related risks to be ready for what is to come. ...
Takeaways from recent guidance on cyber incident disclosure obligations for listed companies
In this Insight, we examine the guidance note and related developments and offer our view as to when disclosure (for the purposes of the ASX listing rule requirements) of cyber incidents should generally only occur. ...
AICD's guide for directors on governing through a cyber crisis
The Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD) published 'Governing through a cyber crisis: cyber incident response and recovery for Australian directors'. We provide our observations, commentary and suggested next steps. ...
What's trending: board skills and diversity reporting
In this Insight, we examine the key trends in board skills and diversity reporting across Australia's top 50 ASX-listed entities over the last three years, provide an update regarding proposed changes to the ASX Corporate Governance Council's Corporate Governance Principles and Recommendations. ...