111-120 of 459 results

ASIC's review into responsible entity governance
Insight 07 Feb 2022

In ASIC's 2021-2025 corporate plan published in August last year, ASIC identified the governance of managed investment schemes and responsible entities as an area of focus to reduce the risk of harm to investors exposed to poor governance. ...

Global ESG themes shaping the Australian legal outlook
Insight 02 Feb 2022

2022 will provide a practical demonstration of the appetite for ESG-led change that governments, major corporates and financial institutions all have, and how far this will feed into smaller businesses and everyday life. We explore key ESG themes shaping the legal outlook for businesses in 2022. ...

BEAR Bill implementation date likely to change
Insight 24 Nov 2017

This afternoon the Senate Standing Committee on Economics released their report on the Treasury Laws Amendment Banking Executive Accountability and Related Measures Bill 2017 BEAR Bill The Economics Committee recommends that the BEAR Bill be passed but recommends the commencement date be pushed out ...

Shareholder class actions in Australia
Insight 14 Mar 2017

Class actions are an established and important part of the Australian legal landscape In recent years Australia has become the most likely jurisdiction outside of the United States in which a corporation will face significant class action litigation This evolution has been facilitated by recent ...

Long-awaited sanctions reform may result in more dispersed sanctions risk
Insight 08 Dec 2021

Last year, the Parliamentary Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade (the committee) recommended enacting legislation to establish a worldwide human rights sanctions regime. Last week, the government's response was tabled in Parliament. ...

Linklaters Insights: Anti-bribery and corruption law and enforcement across the globe
Insight 06 Dec 2021

An understanding of the global reach of anti-bribery and corruption regulation, as well as the application of it within a specific jurisdiction, is key to managing risk for today’s international businesses. ...

Australian class actions trends: 2021 update
Insight 01 Dec 2021

Class action litigation in Australia continues to be active and highly complex. Over the past 10 to 15 years, class actions have become an increasingly entrenched and accepted aspect of commercial life for organisations conducting business in Australia. ...

A tale of two OAIC investigations – privacy implications for the use of facial recognition technology
Insight 23 Nov 2021

Determinations issued by the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) following two recent investigations against 7-Eleven and Clearview AI, reinforce a global trend of growing regulatory scrutiny of the use of facial recognition technology by private sector organisations, and follows Facebook's recent decision to shut down its facial recognition system. ...

The growing importance of ESG due diligence
Insight 16 Nov 2021

Environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues are a major focus of many companies, their stakeholders and regulators. Companies are exploring how to embrace the opportunities that may arise from a well-executed ESG strategy and navigate the risks that ESG issues present, particularly in a period of evolving laws and standards, stakeholder expectations and shareholder activism. ...

Privacy Act reforms: a new Online Privacy Code
Insight 08 Nov 2021

In late October, the Attorney-General's Department released a long-awaited Exposure Draft of the Privacy Legislation Amendment (Enhancing Online Privacy and Other Measures) Bill (Online Privacy Bill) to amend the Privacy Act 1988 (Privacy Act). ...
