1-10 of 55 results
High Court rules on Commonwealth liability for native title acquisitions in the NT
Commonwealth exposed to compensation claims for pre-1975 native title extinguishments ...
2024 regulatory enforcement trends and what they mean for the year ahead
Throughout 2024, regulatory enforcement risk in Australia was significantly influenced by ESG factors, along with issues relating to cyber, data and privacy. Notable regulatory developments occurred in these areas. ...
Growing ESG complexity in the year ahead: what companies can expect
As stakeholder expectations on Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) issues continue to evolve, we are seeing a movement build from voluntary standards to domestic regulation. Concurrently, the opposition to ESG-related action is adding to uncertainty and complexity. ...
Inquiry into the native title 'future acts' regime: Issues Paper released by the ALRC
The Australian Law Reform Commission ( ALRC ) is conducting a review of the 'future acts' regime in the Native Title Act 1993 (Cth) ( NTA ). This review comes in light of over 30 years of operation ...
ICMM's 2024 update: a new benchmark for Indigenous rights in mining
The ICMM has updated its Indigenous Peoples and Mining Position Statement, through which ICMM members have affirmed their commitment to respecting the rights of Indigenous Peoples and recognising their importance as partners in the development of mining projects on their lands and territories. ...
Evolving litigation landscape: recent ESG disputes trends
In this Insight, we spotlight emerging trends, reflect on potential implications for future ESG-related disputes and provide practical guidance on both managing stakeholder expectations and mitigating the risk of litigation. ...
Recent UK money laundering decision
In this Insight, we explain how this decision is relevant to Australian companies, in demonstrating how proceeds of crime laws may provide rightsholders and activists with an additional lever for seeking company engagement on tackling modern slavery (and, potentially, other human rights issues). ...
Switzerland found to have contravened European Convention on Human Rights in responding to climate change
The European Court of Human Rights (the ECHR) has recently delivered a decision concerning the human rights impacts of climate change in Verein KlimaSeniorinnen Schweiz and Others v Switzerland (European Court of Human Rights, Grand Chamber, Application No 53600/20, 9 April 2024) (Verein). ...
Mandatory human rights due diligence in the mainstream – what the CS3D means for companies
The EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CS3D) has been approved by the EU Council and EU Parliament and is expected to be formally adopted in coming months. The CS3D will establish a due diligence standard on sustainability issues and create potential legal liability for in-scope co ...
The expectation of continuous improvement in combating modern slavery
There is an expectation that businesses demonstrate continuous improvement in their response to modern slavery and reporting under Australia's Modern Slavery Act 2018 (Cth) (the MSA). ...