121-130 of 459 results

Government response to class action inquiries
Insight 25 Oct 2021

Last week, the Federal Government published its long-awaited response to the ALRC and Parliamentary Joint Committee on Corporations and Financial Services Report's inquiries into class actions. ...

Class Action Risk: Interim update
Insight 19 Oct 2021

2021 has been an unusual year in many respects and class actions have not been immune from both the pressures and distractions of COVID-19, and other challenges not linked to the pandemic. With nine months of the year behind us, a reasonably clear picture of class action activity is starting to take ...

Captive to no one: Australian Government releases its Ransomware Action Plan
Insight 18 Oct 2021

The Department for Home Affairs has released the Australian Government's Ransomware Action Plan (the Plan). This development forms part of the Government's Cyber Strategy and is the latest in a series of actions taken by the Government to combat the escalating threat of ransomware and extortion. ...

The first word on group costs orders in class actions
Insight 15 Sep 2021

The Supreme Court of Victoria has provided significant first guidance on the operation of its new group costs order regime for class actions. ...

High Court defamation decision means businesses could be responsible for comments posted on their social media pages
Insight 15 Sep 2021

In proceedings relating to alleged defamation of Dylan Voller, the High Court has confirmed that the administrators of public social media pages are 'publishers' of comments posted by third parties and members of the public on their page, for the purposes of defamation law. ...

Will new continuous disclosure laws limit shareholder class actions?
Insight 19 Aug 2021

Following a period of temporary reform, Australia's continuous disclosure regime has been permanently amended in an effort to combat the upward trend of opportunistic shareholder class actions and to put downward pressure on premiums for directors and officers insurance ...

The ESG remedy ecosystem – working backwards from an OECD National Contact Point complaint
Insight 16 Aug 2021

A global increase in complaints under the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises (OECD Guidelines) to state-based National Contact Points (NCPs) shows that the OECD Guidelines are an established part of the toolkit for NGOs and civil society groups seeking to influence corporate behaviour and ...

ESG activism is growing – what should boards do?
Insight 27 Jul 2021

ESG-related interests of stakeholders are impacting the governance arrangements of large listed companies. We look at why this is important for boards, and what steps they can take to mitigate becoming the target of this type of activist campaign. ...

Federal Court decision highlights it's vital to get incentives right and have strong governance systems
Insight 09 Jul 2021

The recent Federal Court decision ACCC v Telstra [2021] FCA 502 highlights an emerging risk area for boards and senior management in the use of incentive-based remuneration and sales targets for consumer-facing businesses ...

Recent developments set to shake up modern slavery landscape for Australian businesses
Insight 06 Jul 2021

Recent developments in relation to potential Australian modern slavery reform, US forced labour litigation and German human rights due diligence legislation may have an impact on Australian businesses. ...
