1341-1350 of 4170 results

Court calls last drinks on URBAN ALE trade mark
Insight 15 Dec 2020

Is URBAN ALE a distinctive trade mark? Would you consider the words URBAN PALE (displayed prominently on your stubby) to merely describe the type of beer? Are inner-city breweries 'cool', 'trendy' ...

Pilbara v Ammon: WA Court of Appeal considers the meaning of 'feasibility study' in the context of a joint venture agreement
Insight 08 Jul 2020

The recent decision of Pilbara Iron Ore Pty Ltd v Ammon will be of interest to anyone who deals with farm-in agreements or other resource sector agreements where one party agrees to commission a 'feasibility study'. ...

Don't sweat it - Federal Court finds 'clinical strength' claims on deodorant were not misleading
Insight 28 Feb 2019

The Federal Court found in a dispute between Unilver and Beiersdorf, that the use of 'clinical strength' marketing in relation to Nivea deodorants was not false, misleading or deceptive as Unilever had claimed. ...

Trend Watch: What the top ten 2018 cybersecurity trends mean for your business
Insight 16 Jan 2019

Last year was a big year for cybersecurity Organisations were forced to grapple with an increasingly complex regulatory environment as governments across the globe continued to navigate how to best protect personal information in the face of increasingly sophisticated cybersecurity threats We look ...

Build-to-rent - structures for success
Insight 24 Aug 2018

While it is an established asset class offshore particularly the US and UK the build-to-rent market in Australia is in its infancy For build-to-rent to become an established asset class in Australia social legal tax and broader economic challenges need to be overcome Recent legislative reform and a ...

Acquiring a business? How to 'transfer' social media accounts
Insight 20 Jun 2018

Our IP team frequently assists with the sale or purchase of a business, advising on the scope of relevant IP to be transferred and how to transfer that IP ...

Managing shareholder activism - who is in the driver's seat?
Insight 03 Feb 2015

The recent New South Wales Supreme Court decision of Molopo Energy Limited v Keybridge Capital Limited reflects the continuing growth of shareholder activism in the Australian corporate landscape The case is a reminder that boards need to remain aware of developing activist strategies particularly ...

How to determine whether you have suffered an eligible data breach
Insight 21 Feb 2018

From 22 February 2018 the Notifiable Data Breaches Scheme NDB Scheme will require all entities covered by the regime to notify the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner OAIC and affected individuals of an eligible data breach ...

Competition Policy 'Root and Branch' review draft report released
Insight 22 Sep 2014

The panel tasked with the root and branch review of competition law and policy has released its draft report Some of the recommendations are far reaching and may have significant ramifications on competition law enforcement in Australia including in relation to misuse of market power Partner Kon ...

Employment Law
Insight 10 Oct 2016

This Insight examines the latest developments in employment law ...
