1551-1560 of 4170 results

High Court ruling that 'backpacker tax' is discriminatory invites consideration of other potentially disapplied discriminatory tax provisions
Insight 18 Nov 2021

In the recent decision of Addy v Commissioner of Taxation, the High Court ruled that the so-called 'backpacker tax' contravened the non-discrimination article contained in the double tax agreement between Australia and the United Kingdom (UK). ...

Linklaters Insights: Booming foreign investment in data centres faces regulatory heat
Insight 17 Nov 2021

Data centres, the warehouses underpinning the digital aspects of our working and home lives, have become red hot assets, with investors piling into the sector – and regulators in the West signalling their readiness to closely scrutinise foreign investment (FI). ...

Digital Platform Services Inquiry Third Interim Report – introducing choice screens in general search services
Insight 17 Nov 2021

The ACCC recently published its third Digital Platform Services Inquiry Interim Report (Choice Screen Report) as part of its ongoing role monitoring the impact of digital platforms on competition and consumers. The Choice Screen Report focuses on the impact of pre-installation and default arrangements on competition and consumer choice in the supply of web browsers and general search services. ...

Emerging ESG disputes risks and key mitigation strategies
Insight 16 Nov 2021

Pressure is emerging from multiple angles – regulation, investors, employees and communities – to have a proactive approach to ESG issues. In this Insight, we highlight current trends in ESG disputes and outline the key strategies companies should be implementing right now to mitigate ESG disputes risk. ...

The growing importance of ESG due diligence
Insight 16 Nov 2021

Environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues are a major focus of many companies, their stakeholders and regulators. Companies are exploring how to embrace the opportunities that may arise from a well-executed ESG strategy and navigate the risks that ESG issues present, particularly in a period of evolving laws and standards, stakeholder expectations and shareholder activism. ...

ESG diligence: what it is and why it's relevant
Insight 16 Nov 2021

A company's ESG credentials can have a material impact on its long-term performance and valuation. In this video, our cross-sector experts provide the real and potential ESG due diligence traps for organisations; highlight best practices for ESG diligence on investments and acquisitions; and outline some thoughts on steps to be taking once the deal is done.   ...

What strategies should you implement to mitigate ESG disputes risk?
Insight 16 Nov 2021

We are seeing an upward trend in disputes exposure for companies across the ESG remedy ecosystem. And not just about climate change. In this video, our cross-sector experts outline current trends and the different types of ESG disputes that could arise both now and in the future; discuss potential causes of action and allegations; and provide the top five strategies you can implement right now to mitigate your ESG disputes risk. ...

How to embed ESG best practice
Insight 16 Nov 2021

How an organisation defines and measures success in the coming decade will be inextricably linked to its Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) performance. In this Video, our cross-sector experts provide: a top-line summary of ESG principles, who does this affect, and the key priorities business should be focussing on now to get their ESG agenda right. ...

Protection of cultural heritage and FPIC
Insight 11 Nov 2021

As part of the increasing focus on Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) in Australia and overseas, there is a spotlight on the principle of 'free, prior and informed consent' (FPIC) in the context of Indigenous engagement and protection of cultural heritage. ...

Allens advises Penfold Motor Group on $104 million acquisition by Peter Warren Automotive
News 09 Nov 2021

The $104 million deal is expected to be completed in early December. It will mark Peter Warren's entry into the Victorian market, increasing its number of locations to 82 across New South Wales, ...
