151-160 of 1133 results

ESG class actions
Insight 08 Feb 2023

As these actions grow in prominence overseas, and make their way to Australian shores, all sectors need to be aware of their strategies to mitigate litigation risk whilst keeping a clear eye on present and future trends. ...

Allens advises JANA on transition to full management ownership
News 06 Feb 2023

Under the deal, JANA's management has acquired Insignia's 45 per cent shareholding, having acquired a 55 per cent share of the business from MLC Wealth (subsequently acquired by Insignia Financial) ...

Recent class action decisions set high bar for automakers to comply with acceptable quality guarantee
Insight 23 Jan 2023

In this Insight , we look at class actions targeting the automotive sector, and draw together key themes from recent decisions that have considered the standard of acceptable quality required for ...

ASIC releases final revised Derivatives Transaction Reporting Rules
Insight 23 Dec 2022

The ASIC Rules on Derivatives Trade Reporting are being renewed and revised to be simpler and more consistent with international standards. The final revised rules were made this week and are due to take effect on 21 October 2024. The current rules have been extended until then. ...

Insurance in a time of (cyber) war
Insight 22 Dec 2022

This is the third instalment of our Cyber Insurance Handbook Series . See our first and second instalments here. The market-standard position has long been for loss or damage arising from war to be ...

Corporate crime, policymakers and the major developments for 2023
Insight 22 Dec 2022

2022 saw increased attention from policymakers in relation to corporate crime, with developments proposed or adopted to improve the capacity of the courts to hear criminal cases and increase ...

Sustainability reporting – what you need to know to be prepared for the ISSB Standards
Insight 21 Dec 2022

The International Sustainability Standards Board (the ISSB), established by the IFRS Foundation at COP26 in November 2021, is currently developing a global framework for sustainability- and climate- related financial disclosures. ...

Preparing for a National Anti-Corruption Commission
Insight 19 Dec 2022

The Commonwealth Parliament has passed the National Anti-Corruption Commission Bill 2022 (Cth) (NACC Bill), paving the way for a National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) to commence operations by mid-2023. ...

Consultation paper on Strategic Plan for the Australian payments system
Insight 16 Dec 2022

Treasury has released a consultation paper on its Strategic Plan for the Australian payments system. The Commonwealth Government is seeking feedback on the proposed contents of the Strategic Plan, with submissions due by 6 February 2023. It is intended that the inaugural Strategic Plan will be released in the first quarter of 2023. ...

Insurance coverage for climate litigation: taking the temperature from US case law
Insight 12 Dec 2022

In this Insight, we profile some of the key cases and highlight potential barriers that policyholders may face in recovering the costs of climate litigation. ...
