181-190 of 1018 results

Expansion in scope of transactions subject to FIRB approval rules
Insight 15 Dec 2021

In this Insight, we look at the changes and comment on what they mean for transactions. The changes to the SOCI Act also have operational implications for many businesses – which we will separately publish on. ...

Are diversification leases the answer?
Insight 14 Dec 2021

The WA Government has proposed to introduce a new form of non-exclusive land tenure. These proposed diversification leases would be suitable for hydrogen and other renewable energy projects. ...

Portfolio Holdings Disclosure regulations: key aspects of the revised regime
Insight 30 Nov 2021

The long-awaited Portfolio Holdings Disclosure (PHD) regulations were made on 11 November 2021, which will give superannuation trustees certainty about the manner in which portfolio holdings information needs to be disclosed to the public. ...

ASIC consults on relief for superannuation calculators and forecasts
Insight 30 Nov 2021

ASIC has released Consultation Paper 351: Superannuation forecasts: updates to relief and guidance seeking feedback on proposals to extend and expand the relief for superannuation calculators and retirement forecasts. It has also released the draft relief instrument and draft regulatory guide. ...

What APRA's proposed changes to SPS 530 Investment Governance and findings on unlisted asset valuations mean for superannuation investments
Insight 22 Nov 2021

As promised in its 2021 Policy Priorities, APRA has released its draft revised prudential standard Investment Governance (SPS 530) for RSE licenses, and the outcomes of its review of unlisted asset valuations, as part of its report titled Findings from APRA’s superannuation thematic reviews. ...

Privacy Act reforms: a new Online Privacy Code
Insight 08 Nov 2021

In late October, the Attorney-General's Department released a long-awaited Exposure Draft of the Privacy Legislation Amendment (Enhancing Online Privacy and Other Measures) Bill (Online Privacy Bill) to amend the Privacy Act 1988 (Privacy Act). ...

Allens advises on Centres for National Resilience in Queensland and Western Australia
News 03 Nov 2021

As head contractor, Multiplex is responsible for delivering a new purpose-built centre to support Australia's response to the current pandemic and any future pandemics, natural disasters or similar ...

Recap of recent mandatory vaccination cases
Insight 29 Oct 2021

The Fair Work Commission (the FWC) and New South Wales Supreme Court (the NSWSC) have each recently made decisions regarding mandatory influenza and COVID-19 vaccination employment policies. ...

Loaded rates approved under Hospitality Award
Insight 29 Oct 2021

Employers have had the option under the Hospitality Industry (General) Award 2020 (the Hospitality Award) of paying certain employees a loaded rate in satisfaction of overtime, penalty rates and the split shift allowance since 7 September 2021. ...

ASIC publishes updated guidance on hawking reforms
Insight 27 Oct 2021

Under the new hawking prohibition in sections 992A and 992AA of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) (Corporations Act), a person must not offer a financial product to a retail client (consumer) in the course of, or because of unsolicited, real-time contact. ...
