11-20 of 703 results for 'consumer data right'

Class action risk 2022

Class action risk is changing. While filings remain high, consumer claims now dominate and, for the first time in over a decade, the banking sector is not the biggest target.  ...

Guide to addressing ESG impacts in generative AI deployment
Insight 11 Jul 2024

This guide outlines key ESG risks and impacts companies deploying AI should consider, the questions they should be asking, and what to do in response. ...

Treasurer hails fifth wave of competition reform with changes to merger clearance rules
Insight 10 Apr 2024

The Federal Treasurer, Dr Jim Chalmers MP, announced today that the Government is moving ahead with its plans to introduce significant changes to Australia's merger clearance rules. ...

Policymakers focus on restraint of trade clauses – 'coercive, exploitative and an unfair method of competition'
Insight 03 May 2024

The Federal Treasury recently published an Issues Paper seeking views to inform its consideration of a potential prohibition on post-termination worker restraints of trade, no-poach and wage fixing agreements, as part of a broader review of Australian competition laws announced last year. ...

'Super' protection for consumers and small businesses
Insight 26 Feb 2024

The Treasury Laws Amendment (Measures For Future Bills) Bill 2023: ACCC Designated Complaints Function seeks to create a specific complaints-handling function within the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) for those lodged by designated consumer and small business advocacy groups. ...

Online Compliance Training
Sectors & Services

With regulators increasingly scrutinising corporate conduct and behaviour, Allens' online compliance training helps your organisation stay on top of the legal risks and supports your risk management framework. In addition to face-to-face ...

This is Allens: Phil O'Sullivan

Until this year, AI in healthcare had been seen by most as something that will change the industry in future. In 2023, we've seen real-world practical applications enter the market. The key moments are not on the horizon; they're happening ...

Five things to know about investment in healthtech

The use of technology to improve or create efficiencies in the delivery of healthcare services, and to progress precision/preventative models is continuing to drive investment in Healthtech. Here are our 'top 5' tips for investing in Healthtech. ...
