11-20 of 145 results

Digital horizons: harnessing the future of technology

Technology is driving a major transformation. The opportunities you seize and the risks you mitigate now will determine your business' future. ...

The IP landscape: Key trends and cases (part 1)

Webinar: The IP landscape: Key trends and cases (part 1) ...

Practical guide for AI: ethical, safe, lawful

Webinar: Practical guide for AI: ethical, safe, lawful ...

Why organisations must embed mental health and wellbeing support into cyber incident response planning
Insight 20 Mar 2024

Mental health and wellbeing support for cyber professionals, incident response teams and staff targeted in cyber incidents, is now essential to cyber risk management and incident response planning. ...

AICD's guide for directors on governing through a cyber crisis
Insight 13 Mar 2024

The Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD) published 'Governing through a cyber crisis: cyber incident response and recovery for Australian directors'. We provide our observations, commentary and suggested next steps. ...

Cyberwashing: a key focus for data breach class actions
Insight 11 Dec 2023

It has now been a year since the Medibank and Optus data breach incidents that led to a surge in data breach class action filings in Australia. ...

Why everyone is talking about AI safety and cybersecurity
Insight 01 Dec 2023

The Australian Signals Directorate, together with 19 other global partners, published Guidelines for secure AI system development. We've distilled the themes emerging from these latest developments and the top 9 steps organisations should take to address AI security risks. ...

Federal Government releases Cyber Security Strategy
Insight 24 Nov 2023

The Australian Government released its 2023-2030 Australian Cyber Security Strategy, outlining its vision of a cyber secure Australia, and how we will get there. ...

Balancing act: establishing and preserving legal professional privilege in a cyber incident
Insight 17 Nov 2023

This guide has been designed to assist companies incorporate legal professional privilege preservation measures into their cyber readiness activities. ...

Are data breaches a money laundering and terrorism financing risk?
Insight 15 Nov 2023

The Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre has published new guidance recommending that reporting entities assess the potential impact of data breaches on the money laundering and terrorism financing risks they face. In this Insight, we explain the new guidance and what it means. ...
