11-20 of 327 results

ESG contract clauses — drafting tips to reduce your exposure to disputes and complaints
Insight 23 Aug 2023

Interest in environmental, social and governance (ESG) is continuing to grow at a rapid pace, including ESG-related goods and services. ...

Part 1 – Detailed Analysis of CPS 230 and comparison with existing standards
Insight 11 Aug 2023

Operational risk has been a headline issue in the superannuation, insurance and banking industries over recent years, so it is no surprise to see APRA sharpening its focus on operational resilience with the release of a new draft prudential standard, CPS 230. In this Insight we provide an overview of CPS 230 and what it will mean for you. ...

Setting a new standard: a guide to APRA's operational risk management reforms
Insight 11 Aug 2023

Given the tight timeframes proposed, APRA regulated entities should begin to review their operational risk management processes and arrangements against draft CPS 230 – see our practical implementation guide here. ...

Making the quantum computing leap
Insight 17 Jul 2023

The Federal Government's recent National Quantum Strategy and FY2023–24 Budget signal a strong commitment to growing Australia's quantum computing sector. To assist organisations aiming to capitalise on that renewed focus, this Insight gives an overview of the technology and the legal issues. ...

Ever-expanding jurisdiction: Clearview AI's appeal and extra-territorial application of the Privacy Act
Insight 29 May 2023

A landmark ruling in Australia confirms that Clearview AI breached the Privacy Act despite lacking a physical presence or supplying products or services in the country, emphasising the extraterritorial reach of privacy laws and the consequences for companies. ...

Four key ways technology will help companies meet their decarbonisation goals
Insight 25 May 2023

Companies know they have to change the way they operate if they're going to reach net zero by 2050. In this Insight, we explore four key ways technology can help meet decarbonisation goals, drawing on examples discussed in our recent webinar 'Leveraging technology to accelerate decarbonisation'. ...

AI Governance Toolkit for General Counsel and Boards
Insight 24 May 2023

We believe companies need to start applying guardrails to AI development, use and deployment, but we understand that it can be hard to know where and how to start. That's why we've developed an AI Governance Toolkit for General Counsel and Boards, to help companies manage their AI risk. ...

Allens advises Servicely on $3 million investment from EVP
News 23 May 2023

The new capital injection will allow Servicely to accelerate its product deployment and international expansion plans to deliver its integrated and intelligent service management platform to more ...
